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request from llcnmwhjh 🫶

TW - injury, claustrophobia

The triplets were on their Hawaii vacation, walking a trail through the woods. It was just the three of them, as this hike was not required to have a guide. It was a simple trail along the base of a volcano.

"Woah, Matt, look at that one!" Chris said, excited, as he found a bird he's never seen before.

Matt gazed up at the tree Chris pointed at before turning his head down to look at the nature guide in his hands.

"I think that's an "'Akikiki," he said, the both of them pausing before bursting out laughing at the pronunciation of the word or Matt's lack thereof.

"C'mon, let's keep going," Nick urged, wanting to get to the mountainside view. While they were at the bottom of the volcano, the map said the ground broke off into a cliff face with a great view of the ocean. Nick desperately wanted to see it.

Chris and Matt followed Nick, who was slightly ahead of them on the path. He was definitely in a hurry, wanting to get to the beautiful view before the sun set. In that moment, all he wanted was to see the sun fall over the oceanic horizon.

"Nick, slow down!" Chris complained. His brother was going too fast. Chris wanted to take his time, enjoy the scenery as it passed; not blow right through it in a rush.

"We have to make it to the cliff!" Nick called back over his shoulder, still walking forward, on a mission.

Soon enough, Nick could see a break through the trees.

"We're almost there!"

Nick turned around when he didn't hear a response. He must have moved ahead too quickly and lost his brothers behind him. He rolled his eyes at their slowness, tapping his foot against the dirt in impatience, waiting for them to catch up. They finally appeared through the brush.

"Relax, Nick," Matt said, slightly annoyed. "The cliff's not going anywhere."

Nick only walked forward again. Getting closer to the mountainside, he noticed a warning sign. It read that people should be cautious of the upcoming cliff, careful not to get too close to the edge. Another sign under that one said to beware of the small cracks and breaks in the ground, as they were on the side of the mountain that had a network of caves running all through it. Ravines and all.

Nick made note of the signs and moved forward, more cautiously watching his steps. He could see the cracks in the stone, following their trail, growing larger and further spaced the longer they continued. The ground was split in angry gashes all around.

They were so close. Nick could see the open sky ahead of them; they just had to walk a little further.

The gaps in the rock grew larger, more openings in the ground appearing as the caves underneath made themselves known. The cracks evolved into small ravines.

Nick gazed up to the open sky, no longer watching where his feet landed. He could see the sun setting in the distance; they had made it just in time. He started to walk faster, ignoring the fact that the rocky ground was becoming more ravine and less flat ground.

Nick kept walking, letting out a little yelp as he felt his foot catch on something, making him stumble.

"Nick, watch out!" Chris called, though it was too late.

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now