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request from Syphr460 🫶

TW - bad eating habits, stress, throwing up, fainting

If Nick had to describe how he felt at that given moment, he would say that he felt like he was on the verge of ripping each individual strand of hair out of his head one by one.

Nick and his brothers were nearing the end of their tour. They only had three shows and about a week of driving left before they were able to go back home.

So, until then, Nick was not allowed to relax.

He was so close to the end, so it didn't make sense for him to slow down now. Why would he stop giving his all when there were only three more shows? He gave his all to every other show; it wouldn't be fair to give in.

Nick spent all of his free time figuring out ways to improve himself. His skills in the challenges, the challenges themselves, his video editing that still needed to be done on top of everything else... he was putting everything he had in everything around him.

Except for himself.

Nick would find himself so caught up in the things he was doing - making everything perfect for his fans - that he would ignore what he needed and what his body was telling him.

When they were at the venues, he would spend his time with the tech and visual crew, making sure everything was running smoothly, helping tweak anything that was wrong, and even finding things to fix that didn't really need fixing. When they were on the bus, Nick was always editing, headphones covering his ears from the outside world.

He was so nitpicky with everything he did, always overanalyzing, pointing out things that didn't need to be pointed out, losing his shit over the little things that didn't matter, and everything inbetween.

And it was driving him crazy.

Nick couldn't rest.

He couldn't let everybody down.

What if a technological error occured when they were on stage? What if their videos didn't get released on time? What if Nick lost again for the fifth time in a row?

He couldn't allow himself to relax. Things would fall apart if he relaxed. He would fall apart if he relaxed.

With everything going on in his life, Nick was not able to juggle work life with life life properly. He disregared what he, his body, needed, and pushed towards what everyone else needed. He didn't care that he skipped breakfast, he had a vlog to edit. He didn't care that he didn't drink any water all day, a microphone wasn't working. He didn't care that he was slowly falling apart. As long as everything else in his life worked, he would be okay.

He just had to make it to the end of the week.

"Hey, Nick, we're stopping at Denny's in about ten minutes," Chris told his brother, who was sat on the couch editing.

"Okay," Nick replied, not moving from his position, eyes glued to the screen.

Chris furrowed his eyebrows.

He had noticed Nick's strange behavior the past few weeks. He was strangely obsessive with everything that went on behind the scenes of the show, which was weird, because Nick was the type of guy to not care about the whole technological side of things, just as long as everything worked properly when it needed to. So, seeing Nick be so involved with everything all the time all of a sudden was kind of like whiplash.

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now