
980 26 237

request from fanficsbymia11 🫶

TW - kidnapping, torture, blood, injury

It was unusually quiet when Nick woke up. Beside the subtle chirping of birds from outside his window, the house was silent. This silence unsettled him for a reason he did not know, but he chose to ignore it as he got ready for the day.

The sun shone in through the open window, a soft, spring breeze wafting into the home, Nick saw as he walked down the stairs and entered the living room. He gazed around, not yet questioning why the window was left open, looking for his brothers. He figured one of them had opened it, but, finding neither Chris nor Matt in his sight, he grew confused.

His confusion only grew as he strolled around the house, peering in each room he came across, searching for his brothers. Not finding them anywhere, but noticing the car was still in the garage, Nick shrugged and made himself a bowl of cereal, telling himself that they had probaby gone for a walk or something.

Closing the window and sitting down on the couch, Nick munched on his Lucky Charms and scrolled through the YouTube feed on the TV. He put on a video that sounded interesting, but turned his attention to his phone, pulling up the groupchat with him, Chris, and Matt.

where are you guys?

A simple question. Nick put his phone down and focused on the video he had put on. Seeing as he was clickbaited, he rolled his eyes and scoffed, turning the TV off. He finished his cereal, put the bowl in the sink, and returned to his spot on the couch, phone in hand.

where are you guys?

delivered 6m

It wasn't a very long time to be left on delivered, but not really having to deal with being left on delivered by his brothers for more than a minute, it unsettled him. He frowned down at his device.

where are you guys?
sent 12:23

sent 12:29

Nick shut off his phone and set it down beside him, crossing his arms and staring at the ceiling, trying to pretend like he wasn't begging for his phone to buzz beside him. If he pretended to not care, surely it would buzz, right?

With a huff and rolled eyes, Nick snatched his phone off the cushion and called Matt's phone. He held the device to his ear, hearing the ringing from the other line. Picking at his nails, he waited for a few seconds, and then he froze. Slowly, he lowered the phone from his ear and turned his head to face behind him. Squinting, as if it would help him hear better, he strained his ears and listened to the distant hum of Matt's ringtone. Ever so quietly, he could hear "Maneater" by Nelly Furtado playing.

Hesitant, Nick got up and walked to Matt's room, the song getting louder as he got closer. He paused at the door, peering in the slightly cracked open wooden frame, before pushing it fully open.

Matt's phone vibrated the bedside table it sat on.

Oncoming Call

Nick picked up the phone and declined the call, eyebrows furrowed.

Why would Matt leave the house without his phone?

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now