
665 15 46

TW - knives, stabbing, death

Nick awoke to the sound of a crash from downstairs. Groggy, he lifted his head off of his pillow and checked the time, the bright screen nearly blinding him.


Laying back down to fall back asleep, his eyes blinked open when another crash sounded, this time much louder, and seemingly closer. Nick sat up fully and rubbed his tired eyes, not really being able to establish a clear reality outside of his dreams. The harsh bang of his door a few feet away from him jostled him awake, and suddenly he felt very sweaty.

Nick stood and put on his slippers, disregarding his hoodie as he was too hot with nerves, despite the cold weather outside. Realizing it was probably one of his brothers messing with him on the other side of the door, Nick relaxed, but was still cautious.

Grabbing the hem of his shirt firmly in his grasp, Nick opened the door and looked around for Chris or Matt. He frowned when he saw no one. Nothing was out of place, no person was there, and the podcast studio stood as it should. He gazed around the studio to see if anything had fallen; that would explain the crash.

Nick nearly jumped out of his skin when the crash sounded again, this time from below.

Slowly, Nick made his way downstairs, turning the lights on as he went.

Nothing was out of place, no person was there.

Eyebrows furrowed, Nick stood in the kitchen for a moment, dazed. He almost dozed off on his feet before he was startled back to wakeness when a thump sounded on the wall next to him. Shaken, Nick turned the corner and was met with the cracked open door of Matt's room.

Not wanting to hesitate, Nick pushed the door open and turned the light on.

A sharp gasp entered his lungs when he saw Matt laying on his bed, eyes wide open, sheets thrown aside, one large dagger protruding out of his chest. Mouth dropped open, jaw shaking with upcoming sobs, Nick was frozen to the ground. Suddenly the lights turned off and Nick was blind, only for a moment until they turned back on. The first tears fell when Matt was no longer on the bed. The lights turned off once more, and Nick fled the room.

Every light in the house was turned off, despite Nick having turned them all on.

Not questioning it and flicking the main light back on, Nick sprinted down the stairs to Chris' room. A sharp thump sounded before Nick reached the door.

Throwing the door open, Nick started to hyperventilate, seeing a similar scene.

Chris was lying on the bed, eyes wide open, sheets thrown aside, one large dagger protruding out of his chest.

Small "no"s muttered past Nick's lips as the lights went on and off, and Chris was gone. The "no"s continued as he dashed back up the stairs.

The lights were off again.

Turning them back on, Nick was cemented to the ground when he saw a figure standing at the front of the room. His feet felt weighted like cinder blocks; he wouldn't have been able to move, even if he had wanted to.

The lights turned off again for a brief moment, and when they turned on, Nick felt faint.

Behind the figure laid Chris and Matt's unmoving bodies, dagger in chests, symmetrical, as if they were duplicates of the same person. Nick's eyes glanced back and forth between the two for a second that felt like an eternity.

And then the figure was stood in front of Nick, noses just a few mere inches away from each other. Nick felt a cool shudder trail down his spine, eyes locked on the man in front of him. The stranger was hardly recognisable as a person; he was rather a monster, by his deeds and harsh scars scattering his face.

Not being able to think about this figure anymore, Nick felt the cold metal of the one large dagger penetrate his skin, air immediately cut off and gurgling with blood. The cold seared through his chest, freezing his nerves, cool pain taking control of his mind.

And the next thing he knew, he collapsed to the ground, eyes wide open, slippers thrown aside, one large dagger protruding out of his chest.

"Nick, wake up, we made breakfast!"

Chris knocked on the door a few times before giving up on a response. He opened the door and invited himself in, Matt following behind.

"C'mon, sleepy Nicky, time to wake up," Matt cooed, jostling Nick's shoulder to wake him up.

After a few seconds, Chris and Matt looked at each other, confused.

Chris pulled the blanket off of his brother, thinking that maybe the sudden cool air would wake him up. Matt pushed him more harshly.

"Why isn't he waking up?"

Matt ignored the question and squinted, leaning closer to Nick.

"What is that?"

Chris and Matt both stared at a small mark on the center of Nick's bare chest. The longer they stared, they swore they could see it get longer and longer, stretching until it eventually opened. They stared in horror, frozen, watching the gash peel apart and ooze blood from the dagger-shaped hole.

word count: 884

i guess this is what happens when i go on break for a while. (youre welcome/sorry) circle your answer. im a little out of the loop, so sorry that the writing is a little different than usual and kind of awkward

by no means does this mean im back, this actually very well might be the last thing i post to this book. either that or the next post will be half a year from now.

either way, hope you enjoyed this small snack in the mean time

lmk if i should have left "live" as my final chapter, having gone out with a bang and all that, or if youd like for me to keep this one

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