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request from Sparkler2020 🫶

TW - vomit, physical violence, injury

Sometimes, Nick felt like a mother.

Whenever Chris or Matt needed something, he was always there. He didn't mind that fact, not at all, as he loved being able to help his brothers when they needed him. It made him happy that he was someone in their life that they could rely on. He wanted them to come to him when something was wrong.

But, god, was playing mom exhausting.

First case scenario: Matt and Chris being sick at the same time. Nick had to be the one to take care of them.

"Nick!" Chris whined from downstairs, begging for Nick to come down. "Niiiick!"

Nick made his way down the stairs, rubbing his tired eyes. He looked to where the call had come from, seeing both Chris and Matt wrapped in blankets on the couch, tissues littered around them.

"Nickyy," Chris whined again, stretching his arms out with grabby hands. Nick sighed and rolled his eyes, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

"What is it, Chrissy?"

"We're sick," Chris coughed, referring to both him and Matt.

Nick glanced over to Matt, seeing him laying on his side, half asleep. He looked back to Chris.

"Is that so?"

Chris nodded, a pout on his lip.

"Do you need anything?" he asked, joking tone gone. If his brothers didn't feel well, he was going to help.

Chris reached out to him again. Nick rolled his eyes and sat next to Chris, Chris immediately leaning into his shoulder and closing his eyes. Nick brushed his fingers through his hair until he heard soft snores. Nick nearly dozed off himself, still tired from only having just woken up a little while before, but was snapped awake by a soft call.

"Nick?" Matt said, soft, from the other side of the couch.


The room was silent for a moment, Nick waiting for Matt to say something else. He smiled, guessing what his brother wanted. He held out his arm.


Matt softly smiled and sat up from his laying position, making himself comfortable on the other side of Nick. He quickly fell back asleep, head rested on his brother's lap.

Nick sighed contently, both of his brothers under each of his arms. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, allowing himself to fall asleep as well.

When he woke up a while later, Chris and Matt were still in the same positions Nick had seen them last. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, gazing around the room, trying to wake himself up a bit. His stomach growled, having not have had breakfast yet.

Carefully, he shuffled his way off of the couch, trying his best not to wake his brothers. He was successful, Chris and Matt now laying together without Nick in the middle.

Nick went to the kitchen to start making waffles. Sure, it was nearly four pm, but he was always in the mood for waffles.

It was when he pulled the first waffle out of the waffle maker that he heard the stirring of one of his brothers from the living room. He was about to speak a good morning until he was cut off by the sound of a gag. His eyes widened, suddenly moving as fast as he could to grab a bowl and get to the living room. He was just a second too late, as Matt was half-leaning over the edge of the couch, vomiting onto the floor.

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now