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request from llcnmwhjh 🫶

TW - drowning

Nick, Chris, and Matt were at a lake nearby their home in Boston. It was wintry out, the month being January, and the lake was frozen over with ice, snow flurries floating around.

Nick huffed, the condensation of his breath being visible in the gloomy air.

"Why are we here?" he asked with a shiver, the cold breeze whipping snow into his face, chilling his already pink cheeks.

"C'mon, Nick. It'll be fun!" Chris said, patting his brother on the shoulder. "We used to do this all the time, and we haven't played yet this year."

Matt nodded in agreement, putting his bag down on the ground and sitting on a nearby bench. He pulled his hockey skates out of the duffle bag and slipped them on, Chris and Nick following his actions.

Chris was the first out on the ice, hockey stick in hand, puck sliding around his feet. He did the very few tricks he knew before turning to his two brothers who had yet to join him.

"Come on, slow pokes!" he called before turning to skate away. "Let's get this game started!"

Nick rolled his eyes, finishing off the laces of his skates. He followed behind Matt onto the frozen lake, testing the strength of the ice before putting his full weight on it. Sure, Matt and Chris were both already skating around like maniacs, proving the ice to be strong, but Nick knew that he couldn't be too sure. Deeming it safe, he slid on, immediately gliding out to meet his brothers in the middle.

"Okay," Matt said, taking hold of the puck that sat on the ice. "You two against me, my goal is over there, yours is there. First one to five wins," he explained, gesturing to each side of the lake respectively. The lake wasn't very large, so they could easily go lengthwise of the body of water, the size not being much larger than a normal icerink.

Chris and Nick nodded, confirming Matt's instruction, and they all got into position. Nick held the puck in the air as Chris and Matt clanked their sticks together, Nick dropping it on the fourth hit. As the two fought over control of the puck, Nick resumed his position as defense by their goal, preparing for Matt to come flying his way.

In this manner, the three played their games until, eventually, Matt had won each round they played.

"How!?" Chris panted, exasperated, arms in the air, hockey stick flung in frustration. "How does he keep beating us? It's only him against the two of us!"

Nick shrugged, chuckling.

"I don't know," he responded, not nearly as upset about the fact that they stunk compared to Matt as Chris was.

"I'm just better than you guys," Matt shrugged, smoothly gliding in circles around the two in victory. "Now come on, let's play again."

They reset the game, following the usual protocol, playing around until the sun was starting to set in the sky.

Nick shivered, the sun's setting leaving a shadow over the lake, their only source of heat being almost gone. Yes, Nick was hot and sweaty from skating around like a baffoon, but the air was still cold, and the snow still fell.

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