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TW - dog?

Nick, Chris, and Matt went out to a random restaurant for a late dinner. They had originally wanted to go to McDonalds, like their usual 2am food runs were, but for some reason they didn't know, it was closed. So, instead, they decided to try a restaurant that they didn't normally go to; something new, something fun, something different.

However, as it was nearing 2am, every place they stopped at was closed. They didn't want to go back home - they were starving, and the food at their house just wasn't cutting it.

Until, after Matt drove in circles all over the universe, Chris has spotted a small restaurant-like building that had their lights on.

"What about that place?" He had asked, pointing to the shack-looking building squished between two larger buildings, slightly further back into what looked like an ally.

"I don't know..." Nick said, eyeing the place with a raised eyebrow. "I don't think I'm looking to be murdered tonight."

"Oh, c'mon! It can't be that bad," Chris defended. "And it's the only place we found that's open at this hour. Are you hungry or not?"

"I'm down," said Matt, already trying to find a spot to park.

Chris raised his hand to point at the driver.

"Thank you, Matt. You're outnumbered, Nick. Unless you want to stay in the car."

"Like hell I'm staying in the car," Nick scoffed. "Just park."

Matt parked the car and they entered the restaurant, or what they hoped to be a restaurant, all three of them looking over their heads when they heard the jingling of a bell.

"Welcome!" shouted someone, making the triplets slightly jump. "Sit anywhere you'd like."

"Bro, who said that?" asked Chris under his breath.

"Why, I did!"

The three gasped and flung themselves around, meeting the face of a stranger that was definitely not behind them just a second before.

"I'm the owner, nice to meet you, you may go and sit wherever you'd like."

It was a short man, balding hair, a little round. He seemed like someone from a circus, the way he talked sounding much like a ringmaster would.

"Uh, thanks," said Nick, "This is a restaurant, right?"

"Why, yes it is, I'm the owner," the man said, tipping his tophat that the triplets did not remember him having. He held out his hand for each of them to shake. "Nice to meet you!"

"You too."

"Nice to meet you, too."


They each spoke, shaking the man's strangely small hand.

When he didn't say or do anything else, Nick, Chris, and Matt went and sat at the nearest table, feeling too awkward to actually find a spot they thought they would like.

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now