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PLEASE READ: this is a short story. i will not be writing any more than this unless i really feel like it. i just got inspiration to write this bit, not really knowing anything else about the plotline, and not really caring to figure it out.

Context: Nick has a crazy fan that is obsessed with him. She's insane.

TW - MCD, murder, suicide

Nick's eyes widened, his only way of expressing his emotions. He layed, stiff, staring at the silhouette of the girl at the doorway. The heart monitor beeped louder, faster, Nick's breathing growing panicky.

Karrie walked fully into the room, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders. The dim light of the hospital room illuminated her glossy eyes, her tears shimmering on her cheeks. Nick's eyebrows rose, surprised at her saddened state. His head, rested straight forward, neck stiff, unable to move, pounded harder in worry. His face remained expressionless.

"Oh, Nicky," she cried, soft, quiet, barely a whisper. She stopped at the foot of the bed, grabbing the rail with one hand, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear with the other. Her teary eyes casted downward, small sniffles passing her lips. "Why did it have to come to this?"

Nick stared, eyes still wide with terror, heart thumping. The oxygen mask that was supposed to help him breathe was suddenly suffocating. But he couldn't move, couldn't do anything about it.

Karrie dabbed her under eyes with a small, white cloth, locking gazes with the paralyzed boy, blood-shot blue eyes suddenly serious.

"If only things had worked out," she huffed. "Maybe if you had finally admitted that you weren't gay, that you didn't hate me... if you hadn't gotten that restraining order... Maybe then, things would have been different."

Tears continued to fall from her pretty eyes, but her cries ended. She leaned over, placing her hands on the bed, walking closer to Nick's face, arms crawling up the sheets.

The heart monitor raced, Nick's breathing growing wild. Tears of his own filled his eyes, spilling over in total, uncontrollable fear. But he couldn't do anything but lay still, silent, expressionless. He couldn't break his gaze away from Karrie.

"If only..." she trailed off, looking upward, eyes glazed dreamily. She stood next to the pillow, leant over until she was practically on top of Nick, nose to nose. She snapped her gaze to look at the man below her, the dreamy gaze startling Nick. "If only."

She trailed her finger along his cheek, the long nail softly scratching his skin. Nick closed his eyes tight, eyelashes wet with tears. Sobs threatened to start, but, having no control over his body, they never came.

"Shh," she hushed, whispering, tracing the oxygen mask with her finger. "Don't be afraid, my Nicky. I'm just here to finish what I started."

She giggled, eyes closed, skin scrunching at the corners. She covered her mouth with her hand to soften the already quiet sound.

Nick blinked blearily, his anxious state being detrimental to his health and ability to control his mind. His fingers were shaking at his sides, being the first body parts to move besides his eyes since the accident, yet going unnoticed by Nick. Nothing else existed except for Karrie.

Karrie batted her eyelashes and leaned closer into Nick, her face suddenly crumpling as her cries began again.

"I'm sorry the car didn't kill you," she said, a small, teary smile pulling up the corners of her lips. "I didn't mean for you to survive."

𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now