Chapter 2: Back On My Feet

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3rd Person POV

Pain was all Bella felt until it disappeared. Immediately, she shot up, she was thirsty, very thirsty and hungry. She looked around and the room wasn't familiar to her. Oddly enough, she could see the dust that floated in the air, and the chattering of so many people that it almost physically hurt her.

"Bella!" Jacob bursts through the door, earning a snarl from Bella, before her hand slapped towards her mouth. Did she really just snarl?

"You're awake." Jacob looked like he was about to cry. "Ya gonna stand there and not give me a hug?" Bella mused. Jacob barked a laugh and went to hug her. "I was so worried about you." He mumbled like a sad dog.

"I know.. How long was I out?"

Jacob broke the hug and sat next to Bella. "4 days." He replied. Bella furrowed her brows but as she took a deep breath. That's where it finally hit. The craving. The wanting. Of blood.

Bella felt herself shake, her throat starting to burn as she squeezed the bed sheets. Jacob look at her in surprise before sitting up and stepping back, sensing danger. "Bella..? He mumbled out.

Bella, with the last of her self-control, jumped out the window and into the woods. She ran and ran, letting her instincts take over.

The last thing Bella could taste was blood in her mouth. She breathed heavily as her dark black eyes swirled into golden ones. Bella then stared down at the thing she had killed, it was a bear, a big bear. It reminded her of Emmet. She growled before tearing the bear into smaller pieces, eating some of them

"Bella.." The soft spoken voice snapped her out of her slight rampage, she turned her head, some bear carcass still in her mouth as she perked up, she saw Jacob in nothing but shorts. ".. I know they bit you."

Bella frowned, dropping the piece of meat as she whimpered like a sad lost puppy. Jacob sighed as he ran his hand through his short hair. "You're a.."


".. a vampire that is a wolf shifter!" Billy scowled. Jacob growled lightly, no one was going to hurt her. "It was an accident dad, she was bit before she was suddenly able to shift."

"Oh those damn Cullens, they-!" Louis, one of the council members, was cut off by Bella. "They left before it happened, it was 2 new vampires that were causing those missing people cases." Bella crosses her arms, now that she'd had her fill of blood, she was calm but hell, these wolves annoyed her. And they stank.

"Wait, two new vampires?" Sue Clearwater, the mother of Leah and Seth, spoke up. She was a part of the council.

"Yes, when the Cullens and I were playing baseball and they stumbled upon us. And this man and his mate, James and Victoria..-" she swallowed a lump in her throat. "..- found me interesting and that my blood was calling to one of them so they began a game called "The Hunt" where they hunted me down, made me suffer in all ways possible.. They killed Charlie.." Bella felt tears fall down her cheek out of fear, sadness, and anger.

The council was speechless. While Billy was enraged at how his dear friend's death was no accident.

"That is why the Cullens left." Sam mumbled, the alpha of the pack. "They didn't want to deal with the situation?" He asked Bella. Bella shrugged her shoulders. "I don't even know, they left me defenseless." She scowled.

"I see. You are welcome to stay here." Raina, the sister of Jacob and the female alpha of the pack spoke, shocking everyone except her mate, Sam.

"Raina that is a bold declaration." Richard Hatch was the first one to come out of shock. But Sam nodded his head. "I agree with my mate. After all, Bella is also a shifter, that just so happened to be bitten before she knew she could shift. And from what I can tell, her eyes are gold, that means instead of a human, she fed from an animal."

Bella smiled gratefully at the couple. No one spoke yet before Billy sighed loudly. "I will allow it, whether you like it or not, she is still apart of our kin, vampire or not."

The rest of the council didn't dare to say anything, Billy Black was the direct descendant of Ephiram Black, the chief.

"Thank you Billy, it is highly appreciated." Bella smiled, relaxing. "But you have some rules to follow. First, feed only on animals, we're not sure that now you are a wolf as well, you might able to eat food, second-" Billy's face softened. "-now that you are part of the pack, assumingly, we'll test that theory later on, you are to treat your kind as brothers and sisters, or perhaps friends at least."

Bella nodded her head. Before Jacob hugged Bella and threw into the air, thrilled that his best friend won't be deliberately executed for being different. "Jacob put me down!" Bella laughed as Jacob stuck his tongue out.

The rest of the pack laughed at the silliness of the two reunited best friends.

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