Zayn's in trrrrrouuubbbbllllleeee

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Liam POV

I had called all the boys downstairs; except Zayn.

"Look guys, Zayn lied. It wasn't the girls who straightened Harry's hair. It was him."

"I figured that out too!" Harry exclaimed. At least one of them knew. If Harry AND me both knew we had a better chance at getting them to believe.

"That makes sense. Zayn is a big JERK!" Louis replied.

"Oh come on guys. Zayn isn't that bad!"countered Niall.

"You know what? I think it's strange how you somehow forgave him and you don't believe us! You are just as bad as him! You are a selfish brat who cares of nothing but himself!" I yelled.

Niall and the others looked really shocked from my outburst.

"He stole my girlfriend Niall! How could you forgive him?"

"Well I know it was a huge mistake! But I also know Zayn is really sorry! Sure he was being an idiot when he did that but he's changed!" Niall replied.

"Ya! He's changed from being a jerk to a complete extreme jerk!"I was furious at him. How could he take Zayns side on this? Zayn was the biggest jerk I've ever met! Well. other than Niall of course.

"Liam I never thought I'd say this, but I HATE YOU! I AM NEVER TALKING TO YOU AGAIN!"


What did u think? Btw this is the end of my story.....Thx for reading and goodbye.... Thx for all Ur support. OMG I'm like crying.....:'( I know it was short! It was a short story! There might be a sequel! I am not quite sure. Well...... GOODBYE! :'(

Jk and this chapter isn't over either!! just getting back at @icestarwarrior!


"Good because I HATE you too!!!" I screamed.

At this point Zayn had come downstairs to listen. Oh my fudging gosh I HATE him soooooooooo much I could just.....uggggggg.....I don't know, he just makes me sooo mad!!!! First he steals my girlfriend, which btw is still dating him, then he pranks Harry and lies about it, and now he has ruined my clothes! Yeah that's right, he stole my clothes and tore them up! That fudging idiot!!!!!

Everyone just stood there glaring at him. Well except Niall. He waved. Roar.

"What's going on?" Zayn asked.

"Oh you know perfectly what's going on. You were the one who straightened Harry's hair and ruined his date. It wasn't the girls. It was you!" If looks could kill I'm sure Zayn would be dead. All of us except Niall were glaring at him sooo hard. I wish looks could kill.

"How did you find out?" Zayn questioned.

"Easily. You're a jerk and the girls are nice. It is simple logic."Harry replied.

"I think we should talk to management and get Zayn kicked out of One Direction. Who agrees?" I wondered. Louis, Harry, and me all put up our hands.

"Guys you can't do this! Zayn belongs here; he belongs in 1D!"Niall protested. (A/N hehe No Niall protested!)

"Guys don't do this!" Zayn said desperately, "One Direction is my life!"

"Well I guess you'll be getting a new life than," I replied and walked out with Harry and Louis behind me. Hopefully management will agree to kick him out.


A/N Hoped you liked it! BTW this is NOT the end! Comment Ur opinion!

I'm out!

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