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A/N Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! 

Please tell your friends on wattpad to read my story! If you do comment and i will pick 1 person to dedicate a chapter to.

I hope that last chapter was longer! i tried to make it longer but i dont know if i did. I will try to make this one longer. 

I decided to switch POV last chapter for more variety. If you want a specific POV in the story comment and i will try to put it in! 



Lexi's POV

I screamed "LIZ!" as they grabbed hold of me and pinned me down. They stood over me pointing their guns and my face and heart. I quickly shook my head. "No..." I wimpered. They just stood there smiling and laughing. They were attemting to have serious facil expressions but they were failing. I would've laughed if this wasn't so frightining. "Alright! TALK!" the eldest one demanded. I shook my head. "No..." I whispered again. "OK! We warned you!"They were just about to shoot when Liz ran in with Liam holding waterguns filled with root beer. Liz and Liam started to shoot the enimies. In the process they stained the boys's shirts.

I was still laying there as the fighting went on. "LIAM! NO! How dare you! I thought you were my best friend!" Drake yelled. Yes, my attacers were 4/5 of One Direction, including my bro! They had ambushed me -while i was watching the movie- with dart guns. The same dart guns Liz had give him for his 15th birthday. This is actually her fault!

"Liz! It's all your fault! You bought those guns! I thught you were my friend!" I sobbed. Liz just stood their with a smirk on her face. She rapidly amined the super-soaker water gun at me and had her index finger on the trigger. "I-i-i-i mean... Thank you for saving me! Your my best friend." I quickly threw my arms around her in a hug. The boys were just dying of laughter while Liam was trying to tell them off for scaring him. He had left his water gun unattended on the floor beside us. I looked at Liz and flashed an evil smile. She nodded back. "One, two," she wispered. "THREE!" i yelled and pulled the trigger. The boys were completly off gaurd and almost fell down the stairs. Liz must have been thinnking the same thing, because she started to move closer to them. They stared back at us not realizeing that they were about to fall down the stairs. Liz took one more step. Then another. Then another.

After about two more steps, Louis had finally fallen down the stairs. Luckly there was all the dirty laundry at the  bottom. He was disguusted. "EWWW! Get this off of me!" he held up a T-shirt with a giant ketchup stain. It was Drake's, of course. He is the mesiest eater!

"That must be Niall's!'Zayn said,'He is the messiest eater! Like, seriously! Have you seen himm eat at Nandoes?'' He looked at me with a questioning look. I glared at him.

''Of course I've seen him eat at NANDOES!'I yelled,'He is my brother!' Liam did not here this has he was helping Louis. He was yelling louder than me. Drake was also trying to comfort him saying that he had only wore the shirt for three hours before it got stained. PFFF! Ya right! he had wore for three hours before it got stained but what about the 13 hours after that? I noticed that Zayn was glaring st me.

"What?" i questioned.

"Niall may be have been you brother before, but that was before he met us. He is part of One Direction now. He will not have time for his little sister. Do you hear me?" Zayn Lokked down at me with coldness in his eyes. I wasn't scared though.

"Listen here Zayn! He might be in One Direction, but he will always be my brother. You know why? Because he doesn't like jerks!" with that, I stalked out of the room. Liz waited behind.

Liz's POV.

I watched Lexi walk out of the room but I stayed behind. I glared at Zayn. "Lexi is right. He doesn't like jerks. Which means he doesn't like you." I glared at him one final time and had my dramatic exit.

Wait. "By the way, his name is DRAKE!" i yelled the last part and than left the room.


Sorry this was short! :'( I didn't want to keep you waiting so I uploaded what i had. I was busy with Xmas and all. Hope you enjoyied it! No hate to Zayn though. Just for my story he is mean. Please recommened my story to friends. Until next time!

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