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The city of Seoul was a symphony of life, its rhythm dictated by the heartbeat of its inhabitants. Amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, two teenagers, Taehyung and Jungkook, were living their lives like any other high school student. They were more than just friends; they were each other's soul mate, their dreams intertwined like the threads of destiny.

"Jungkook, please tell me not to beat a teacher up," Taehyung sighed as he sat next to the boy at the lunch table, "Tae, do not beat a teacher up," Jungkook spoke, and Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I thought you would be fine with it,"

"Guess who just passed their test with a D-," Yoongi spoke as he dabbed Jungkook up and Jungkook laughed, "Not something to be proud of Yoongles," Jimin spoke as he carried his tray to the table and found a seat before Yoongi could.

Their days were filled with the usual humdrum of school life - classes, homework, and endless chatter. They dreamt of a future filled with music and laughter, their aspirations as vast as the sky. But life, as they were soon to discover, had a different plan.

"Okay Jimin, Jin, listen to me," Taehyung began explaining and the two analyzed the boy, "This better be good, I have a drama that is waiting for me at home," Jin sighed as they were gathered in Taehyungs room.

"Can I speak?" Taehyung asked, getting annoyed with the two boys that stood in front of him, "Calm down, with how sassy you have been I am starting to think you are pregnant," Jimin laughed with sarcasm in his voice.

Taehyung gulped and Jimin's eyes widened along with Jin's, "No way," Jin gasped at the boy's facial expression, "Whose is it? If it is Mark's I am going to lose it," Jin began pacing back and forth.

Taehyung couldn't afford to lie and tell them a random name. So, with a sudden burst of his voice saying a name, the two froze, no slight movement coming from them.

"It is not Jungkook's you are lying?"

"How? When? Where? Why?" Jin began questioning everything, "When I disappeared at your party, I was in the bathroom, with Jungkook,"

Jimin began gagging and collapsed on the bed, "My bathroom? You and Your 'Best friend'?" the boy spoke and Jin sighed while throwing his head back, "How did he react to this," Jin spoke as Taehyung grabbed the at home pregnancy test from his bathroom.

"He may not know, I forgot to tell him,"

"Taehyung, you haven't told him?"

"I just found out two days ago Jin," Taehyung yelled and handed the test to Jimin, "Yeah, you are indeed knocked up by the devil's baby," Jimin joked and the two stared at him with dark gazes.

"You two are teenagers, are you going to keep it?" Jin questioned and Taehyung sat on the bed, "I don't know, I just need people beside me, I need support, I need you two," Jimin sighed and hugged the boy's neck.

"It is going to be okay, you need to tell him though, maybe you two can decide together, and tell your parents together," Jimin explained, and Jin laid his hand on his forehead.

The few days leading that day Taehyung was trying to process the Shock, fear, confusion - each emotion hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him gasping for breath.

"Tae, are you feeling, okay?" Jungkook questioned while looking at the boy who stared at himself in the bathroom mirror, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be," Jungkook hummed and sat on the bathtub ledge, "You just look pale and you have barely been talking to me,"

"I just am stressed about school,"

"Is that why you aren't drinking? You know alcohol helps with stress," Jungkook held his cup out and Jimin peaked his head into the bathroom, "Jungkook, Yoongi is dancing on the dance floor, and it is scaring me, can you come get him?" Jimin questioned and Jungkook took his cup back, hugging it to his body.

"I am not in control of him," Jungkook laughed with confusion, "Please," Jimin begged and Jungkook sighed and got up, "I'll see you downstairs,"

Taehyung nodded as Jimin watched him walk out, "You are going to tell him soon right?" Jimin asked while standing next to Taehyung, looking at himself as well, "I am, I just don't know that right time and how to say it,"

"Go to a park or something,"

"A park, shouldn't it be more of a serious setting?" Taehyung laughed and Jimin shrugged while resting his red solo cup on the counter.

Jungkook was downstairs looking for Yoongi on the dance floor. However, Yoongi was not on the dance floor, instead he was chilling in the corner with Namjoon and Hoseok like usual, "So you are a dancer now?" Jungkook laughed sitting down.

"What?" Yoongi laughed along with Namjoon, "He does not have the right agility in order to move like those people," Namjoon teased and Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Well Jimin told me you were dancing, and it was scaring him,"

"Well Jimin lied to you, sounds like he is trying to get Taehyung away from you," Hoseok spoke in a sing song tone, "Why would he do that? Taehyung has been acting weird though,"

Jungkook sighed and got back up, walking back upstairs to the two boys, He is going to get to the point of what has been going on behind his back.

Taehyung sighed and laughed, "What am I going to do?"

"Just be like 'Hey Jeon, I am pregnant, and you are the father," Jimin teased and looked behind Taehyung, then froze when he noticed the boy standing in the doorway.

"Tae, you are pregnant?" Taehyung gasped and his eyes widened towards Jimin.

The boy couldn't face the dark haired boy that was behind him. Not in this setting and not now.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now