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Taehyung couldn't help but show a slight smile. If there was anything he knew about Jeon Jungkook, it's that they could never be mad at each other for more than 3 hours. No matter how big or how small the fight was, Jungkook always apologized.

"Your eyes are red, are you okay?" Jungkooks face showed worry, "I am fine, but you didn't have to actually come," Taehyung reached out for the roses and walked away.

Jungkook followed him in and closed the front door behind him, his footsteps echoed as they walked through the house to the kitchen.

"Why wouldn't I? We have a huge day tomorrow and we need to prepare, I was thinking we figure out where furniture is going to go," Jungkook spoke fast, Taehyung looked behind him, his back still turned.

"We can still watch a movie right, I'm really exhausted," Taehyung laughed softly, grabbing a vase, "Well duh," the air around them grew quiet as Jungkook stood in the doorway, watching Taehyung carefully place the flowers in the glass vase.

"This are really pretty, thank you," Taehyung broke the silence, Jungkook nodded his head, "I'm sorry about anything I said that upset you, I felt like I was ganged up on,"

"It's fine, I'm just sensitive right now, I don't like it actually, I've always been so tough,"

"You mean tough whenever I'm next to you?" Jungkook spoke doubtingly, his eyebrow raising, "I was tough by myself as well, don't give yourself all the credit," Taehyung carried the vase past Jungkook.

"I mean I guess," Jungkook shrugged, his steps following behind Taehyungs, up the stairs and to the boys room, "Don't it look pretty,"

Taehyung found a place for the flowers on his bookshelf, next to his romance novels he used to read over and over again.

"Yea..." Jungkook trailed off his gaze drifting to Taehyung who smiled softly at the scene in front of him, "I need to start reading again, it was very calming, I lost my reading glasses though, I can't see words to save my life," Taehyung joked as he sat on the bed.

"Okay how about this, we watch your favorite movie," Jungkook took his shoes off and grabbed the remote.

"Why are you putting on Ironman?" Taehyung questioned and Jungkook hummed, "Well let's just watch my favorite movie first,"

"Aish, you get more selfish by the day huh? We have watched this so many times I can quote it," Taehyung groaned and then smiled over at Jungkook, "Wanna bet?" Jungkook questioned, his eyes widening playfully.

As they watched the movie, Taehyung would mouth lines occasionally causing Jungkook to laugh. It felt normal. As if the world stopped and they were finally just two teenagers hanging out together.

"Tae," Jungkook sighed as he looked at the boy who laid down, "Yea Kook?" Taehyung looked over, locking eye contact, "I'm really sorry about today,"

"Don't stress over it, plus I'm having a good time now, things get escalated and words are said that we don't mean, it's life," Taehyung reassured, his face softening.

Jungkook found comfort in the expression and flipped to his side, his head resting on his hand.

"Yea, but like I really didn't mean for what happened at the party to get escalated that far,"

Jungkook sighed once he saw the boys face sadden once more, "I know,"

"I don't really remember everything it happened fast," Jungkook spoke once more, adjusting his head, "I agree with that, the ten shots were really blurring everything," Taehyung joked, Jungkooks  other hand softly rested on Taehyungs stomach.

"You need me more than a friend don't you?"

The question hung in the air. Taehyung searched his mind for the right answer. It was a very loaded question. In the moment, the sky darkening with every minute passing, it made the boy want to come clean about all his thoughts.

"That was straight foreword I'm sorry, it's just if I were pregnant I feel like I would need someone who can love me in ways a friend can't,"

"If you were pregnant you wouldn't be able to even get out of bed," Taehyung avoided the question, it was way too serious and the latters doe eyes weren't easing the tension at all.

"I know, that's why I appreciate you, like a lot, I don't give you enough credit for doing what you do, yes we are young, but you already caring so much for our baby is what makes me admire you,"

Oh great. His words. Jungkooks words were what got Taehyung into this mess. He has always had a way of making every sentence sound like euphoria.

Was this actually happening? Was Taehyung about to get pregnant again? There is too much deja vu for Taehyung to actually be able to hold in any emotion.

"Thank you, I'm glad you think that way, because I don't think I'm doing all that great," Taehyung looked away, his eyes looking back at the TV.

"I think you are doing amazing, but you know, you didn't answer my question," there is the sentence Taehyung was dreading, he didn't answer because there really is no right way to answer it without making him sound like a fool.

"You want me to be honest,"

"Be as honest as you can be, I'm still your best friend you know," Jungkook replied, adjust his head once more as he began rubbing the bump.

"Yea I do," a soft tone emitted out of the boy, the air filled with a high level of tension, more tension than before, especially when he looked at the doe eyes beside him.

Taehyung could either get rejected or not in this moment. His thoughts were on the table and Jungkook was in control of making or breaking the situation.

No words came from Jungkooks mouth. Jungkook knew Jimin wouldn't be wrong. The whole conversation that was held prior to this moment between the two was sudden.

Other than the brunette boy, Jimin knew Taehyung the best. Jin knows Taehyung as well, but isn't as good as analyzing.

Jungkook nodded softly, his hand moved from the bump to caress the boys soft face. His head dipped down.

Before Taehyung could speak, his mouth was covered by another. A moment that he never thought would happen.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now