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A wave of relief washed over Taehyung. He was going to have a son. He looked over at Jimin and Jin, their faces filled with surprise and happiness.The rest of the appointment went by in a blur. Taehyung was given some advice and a few more check-up dates before they left the clinic. The car ride home was filled with excited chatter about the baby. Taehyung couldn't help but smile, his heart filled with a newfound hope.

Now he had to deliver the news to Jungkook, "Hey, can you run me by the gym? I want to tell Jungkook and give him this, I can't wait until I see him tonight," the boy looked at the picture he had in his hand.

"I don't think that is a good idea," Jin sighed and turned to the boy whose smile faded, "Please, I don't know what happened today at school, but I need to tell him," Taehyung groaned, Jimin and Jin exchanged glances and began to drive towards the gym.

Taehyung got out of the car, grunts emitting from his mouth as he stood up, "I will be back!"

The boy closed the door and proudly walked into the building. The sound of weights echoing throughout, "Taehyung, what are you doing here?" The boy at the front desk asked, his voice high due to the shock.

"Oh, hey Hyun-Ki, I am looking for Jungkook have you seen him?" The boy questioned with a smile, "Um, I think he is over there, when are you going to be coming back here? We have missed you,"

"Hyun, I will be back in about 4 months, as soon as this kid is out of me,"

"You are pregnant? Congratulations, I hope all is well and you have an amazing journey," The brunette nodded towards Taehyung as the boy flashed one more smile before walking towards the direction he was pointed to.

As Taehyung happily bounced over, he spotted Jungkook lifting weights above his head. The boy stopped and admired the latter for a quick moment.

Hoping not to ruin the moment, for this is a rare occurrence.

Jungkook looked in the mirror and saw the boy behind him, "Tae?" Jungkook questioned as he dropped the weight down on the floor, turning to face the boy who stood in front of him.

"Hey Jungkookie!" The boy smiled happily and Jungkook sighed, trying to control his emotions he had been feeling all day.

"What is up?" Jungkook replied with a sort of monotone voice, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, what do you need," Taehyung felt the annoyance that Jungkook put into his voice and sighed, "Well I figured out something today,"

"What did you figure out?" Jungkook responded back, wiping the trickling sweat with a black wet rag, "Are you sure you are okay?"

"Not if you keep asking me," Jungkook rolled his eyes slightly in annoyance, "Okay..." Taehyung trailed off and the feeling of tension hung in the air, "Well, um, your kid is a boy,"

That sentence that was spoke was enough to make Jungkook put his stubbornness to the side. In that moment he wanted to pick the boy up and swing him around in the air. Jungkook smiled with his eyes before placing the actual emotion on his face.

He looked down at the picture that the latter held out in front of him. Surprise, shock, and happiness filled the boys body that was once filled with anger.

"I'm gonna teach him how to play basketball," Jungkook smiled, his mouth letting out a laugh as he gazed towards Taehyung, "He has to learn how to walk first," Taehyung teased as he flicked Jungkooks chin.

Jungkook's face was lit up. It was like he had just had the best nights sleep and won a basketball championship.

He couldn't hold back his emotions and lunged foreword.

He embraced the slightly shorter boy in his arms. Tightening the grip with every ounce of strength he had.

Taehyung fell into the hug. This was what he needed. He no longer felt alone, he felt content with knowing although he may never be able to have Jungkook as his, he will always have the boy there. In that moment, that feeling was enough.

"You can let go now," Taehyung smiled after a minute of being squeezed, "Tae, I'm sorry if you think you don't have anyone there for you, I really wanted to come to the appointment, I have a lot of things going on too and I'm trying my best," Jungkook sighed as he grabbed the ultrasound photo out of the boys hand.

"Kook, knock it off, you are doing an amazing job,"

"You know you can be mean sometimes Tae, I'll take the heat for it,"

"If I wanted to yell at you trust me I would,"

"Well Jimin and Jin put all these thoughts in my h-"

"-They did what?" Taehyung scoffed as he backed up, "They said I wasn't being there for you, and I felt really bad and angry, also Do-Yeon... if he takes care of you then I'm all for it,"

"Do-Yeon? How did you know about..." Taehyung trailed off and turned around quickly, storming outside.

Jungkook looked around not knowing what to do. He made up his mind and decided to follow after the boy quickly.

"Jimin! Jin! What did you tell Jungkook?" Taehyung yelled as he swung opened the passenger side door, Jin looked up from his phone with shock.

"Tae, calm down," Jimin sighed and Taehyung laughed loudly, "Calm down? What did you say about Do-Yeon?" Taehyung exclaimed, his stance was leaned inside the car, Jungkook behind him with a smirk.

"We didn't say anything, we just said his name and Jungkook heard and then Jungkook started throwing a huge fit and getting mad because we brought up Ara," Jin exclaimed and Jungkooks smirk changed into a neutral expression.

"That wasn't how it happened,"

"Jungkook stop acting like you are tough, you know you cared when you heard Do-Yeon was texting Taehyung," Jimin got out and walked around the car to face Jungkook.

"I just didn't think he would treat Taehyung right, that's why I had a problem with it,"

"Then who can treat him right? If it's not Do-Yeon? If it's not you? Then who?"

Jungkook went silent. His eyes avoiding the latter who spoke.

"Who said I couldn't treat him right," Taehyung stood back out of the way, Jungkook still holding onto the picture, "You know he needs more than a friend right now,"

"I know, but I don't know what you want me to do? I don't want to ruin a friendship over something stupid like that," Jungkook spoke, he crossed his arms as Taehyung felt his chest tighten.

"Maybe you should have thought about that when we were alone together," Taehyung finally spoke out, his voice soft, not daring to go above a whisper.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now