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"Can you look at me?" Jungkook's voice struck out, deeper than usual, Jimin groaned and smacked his palm against his forehead, "You grabbed Yoongi already?" Jimin shyly said with a shrug and Jungkook's dark gaze deepened on him, "I will just go," Jimin rushed out of the bathroom and Taehyung was still facing the other way.

If he turned around, then he would see the unhappy expression that was placed over Jungkook's face. The disappointment. The shock. Jungkook's mind was racing as silence filled the air.  The weight of the news was overwhelming, the reality of the situation sinking in slowly.

"How long Tae?"

"A week," Taehyung's voice spoke in a whisper, he slowly turned around and looked at Jungkook, "Were you going to tell me eventually?"

"Eventually, after I figured everything out first," Jungkook closed the door and locked it, the bathroom filled with tension as Jungkook sat on the same ledge he previously was sat on.

"So that is why you were acting weird, huh,"

"I was going to tell you when you weren't drunk," Jungkook looked up from the floor and stared at the boy who was biting his bottom lip, "I'm not drunk now, this is a total buzz killer," the boy sighed, and Taehyung sat against the counter.

"I haven't even been to a real doctor, my parents don't know, no one knows except Jimin and Jin, this could just be a false thing,"

"You sure it is mine?"

"You are the only person I had sex with this year," Taehyung laughed in shock, "So much for forgetting about it huh?"

They were going to be parents.

"So, we need to make a decision whether to keep it or not I guess," Taehyung softly spoke and their eyes connected, "Either way we are going to have to let our parents know and go through all that, so we might as well keep it right?" Jungkook shrugged and Taehyung nodded slightly.

The decision to keep the baby wasn't easy. They were scared, unsure of the future, and overwhelmed by the enormity of the situation.

But they also knew that they had each other. Their bond, which had weathered many storms, gave them the strength to face this challenge together. Telling their parents was the next big hurdle.

"So now what?" Jungkook asked with a shrug and Taehyung smiled softly, "You and I go back to the party, and we act like nothing happened,"

"Are we going to announce it?"

"Kook, We will announce it when we figure our own stuff out and we are ready, for now, let's just act like we aren't gonna be parents,"

The two weren't even romantically involved with each other. As if this wasn't complicated enough that throws a whole other thing into this mess.

"So we tell our parents when?" Jungkook rubbed his hands together to show a sign of nervousness that was filling every ounce of his body.

"This weekend, we do it on our own though, it will be too much to sit them down with each other,"

As days passed the two tried to ignore the questions of why they were acting so weird. Jimin and Jin trying to cover for the two as best as they could.

Jungkook found it hard hiding a big secret from his best friends he has had since diapers, but this was too big of a situation to deal within their group. As much as they hated to say it, they weren't ready for the questions.

Every passing day they made two steps forward and three steps back. Their friendship wasn't the same as before. Now that they have to figure out a way to co-parent.

[message from Taehyung]

[3:45] I'm telling my parents right now

[3:46] I guess I should do the same

[3:47] they are gonna text each other so it would be best if they found out at the same time.

Taehyung walked downstairs to where his mom and dad sit on the couch. His dad with a laptop on his lap and his mom with a book. The two looked calm enough to hear that their only child was having one.

"Mom, dad? Are you two busy,"

The boy sat in a chair and his parents looked at him with confusion, "We didn't know you were home, you usually go to Jimins after school," The lady smiled softly and place a book mark softly in her book.

"I heard the door close, your mom just was to into her romance novel,"

"Gotta find romance some how," She replied and Taehyung laughed, something was wrong with the laugh.

It wasn't loud nor was it happy. It was more like a nervous laugh that he does when he is out into awakward situations.

"Are you okay?" The man asked and Taehyung sighed, "Promise not to freak out,"

"Bear, what is wrong you can tell us anything, we won't get mad," The woman placed her hand on Taehyung's knee, the boy took a deep breathe in.

When he let out the breath he spoke fast and put everything out on the table, "I'm pregnant and it's Jungkooks," Taehyung closed his eyes and then looked at the parents that sat in front of them.

The two couldn't have been more shocked. Their faces that were dropped said all that they had to say.

"What?" The man laughed in disbelief and Taehyung sighed, "I'm pregnant, and Jungkook is that dad, we aren't together but we have talked and agreed to keep the baby and I know you guys have a lot of questions but I'm still processing too because it's crazy, a very crazy thing,"

"Oh Taehyungie, I have a lot of questions and I need to process but we aren't mad, things happen and life doesn't go the way it's supposed to, but I'm sure this child will be born into a family with love and support, we don't like the idea because you are young and school and college and-"

"-You are pregnant by Jeon Jungkook?" The man interrupted with a loud voice, "-I'm sorry, I just, it was a mistake and I am really scared," Taehyung began choking back his words.

His mind running circles.

[Message from Jungkook]

[3:55] Tae I couldn't tell them.


The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now