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After breakfast, Taehyung bid his parents goodbye, "I'll see you in the evening!." He then left his home, his mind filled with the morning's conversations. On the other hand, Jungkook, after a tense breakfast, muttered a quick "Bye" to his parents and left for school.

As Jungkook parked his car in the school parking lot, he saw Taehyung pulling up beside him. They exchanged a glance. With how Jungkook's morning was going he just hoped nothing to out of the ordinary happened.

Jungkook breaking the silence, "Ready for another day?" Taehyung simply nodded, his face a mask of determination.

Walking towards the school building, they could feel the curious eyes of their classmates on them. Jungkook leaned in, whispering to Taehyung, "Ignore them. We've got this." Taehyung gave a small nod, appreciating Jungkook's support.

As they entered the school, they were greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of students. Amidst the chaos, Jungkook turned to Taehyung, "Let's just focus on getting through the day, okay?" Taehyung agreed, "One day at a time."

Throughout the day, they attended their classes, interacted with their friends, and even managed to laugh at a joke or two.

At lunch, the seven friends gathered around their usual table. The atmosphere was light, filled with the usual banter and laughter.

Jin, ever the jokester, was the first to break the ice. "So, Jungkook, Taehyung, when's the baby shower? I need to know so I can start shopping for cute baby clothes."

Jungkook chuckled, "Slow down, hyung. We're still figuring things out."

Jimin chimed in, "Well, if you need any help, we're here for you guys."

Namjoon nodded, adding, "Yeah, we're all in this together."

Hoseok, with his ever-present smile, agreed, "Absolutely! And think about all the fun we'll have spoiling the little one!"

Yoongi, usually the quiet one, added, "You know, this is going to be a big change. But remember, change isn't always a bad thing. It's just a new adventure."

Hoseok added, "And every adventure has its challenges. But it's overcoming those challenges that makes the journey worthwhile."

Jin chimed in, "And think about it, you'll have a mini Jungkook or a mini Taehyung running around. That's going to be fun!"

Jimin laughed, "I can already imagine the chaos!"

Hoseok joined in, "And the noise! You won't need an alarm clock anymore."

At this, everyone laughed. But then Jungkook turned serious, "Guys, I appreciate the jokes, but this is really overwhelming."

"We know, Kook. But that's why we're here. To remind you that even in overwhelming times, there's always room for laughter."

And with that, they all nodded, a silent pact forming between them. They were in this together, ready to face whatever came their way. And that was the most comforting thought of all.

After lunch, the group of friends dispersed to their respective afternoon classes. The hallways, once filled with the cacophony of students during lunch break, now echoed with the fading footsteps of students hurrying to their classes.

Jungkook and Taehyung, having shared most of their classes, walked together. The weight of the morning's conversation with their parents still hung in the air around them, but the support from their friends had lightened their spirits.

In class, they tried to focus on the lectures, their notes, the discussions. But their minds were elsewhere, lost in the maze of impending parenthood and the changes it would bring. Yet, they found solace in each other's company, their shared glances a silent conversation of understanding and support.

As the day progressed, they found themselves stealing moments of quiet conversation - discussing doctor's appointments, health habits, even potential baby names. It was these moments that reminded them that they were not alone in this journey.

Finally, as the last class of the day ended, they found themselves back at their lockers, the school now a quiet echo of the bustling institution it was during the day. They shared a quiet moment, reflecting on the day, their challenges, their fears, and their hopes.

"Another day down," Jungkook finally broke the silence, his voice a soft whisper in the quiet hallway.

"Yeah," Taehyung responded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Another day closer."

And with that, they left the school building, the setting sun casting long shadows on the empty parking lot. Another day in their journey had come to an end, bringing them one step closer to the new chapter in their lives.

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