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Great. It hasn't even been fully two days and the secret of Do-Yeon was out in the air.

Jungkooks reaction wasn't any better than the group was expecting. Actually, it was a little worse.

"Jungkook, aren't you just beaming this morning? Is that new cologne? It smells amazing," Jimin quickly covered up the fact they were caught red handed.

"Yes, and thank you, but what about Do-Yeon and Tae?" The conversation was back on track, unfortunately.

His gaze darkened towards the group. A type of stare that was dark and covered the air with clouds.

"Since when are Do-Yeon and Tae talking? How did this happen? Who came up with this idea?" Jungkook fired off questions without a pause. The digital clock on the wall read 7:37. It was too early to process so many questions. Everyone was still in a daze from the previous night's activities.

Whether it was watching a movie, playing video games, overthinking, or studying, each of them had stayed up late.

"Jungkook, you have Ara and Tae has Do-Yeon. Be content," Yoongi retorted, clearly annoyed by the group's early morning drama.

"What do you mean I have Ara?" Jungkook asked, confusion evident in his voice.

"What are you all implying?" He questioned further, his voice filled with disbelief, "Ara and I are just friends. We've only known each other for a short while," He chuckled sarcastically, scanning the faces of the group who merely looked down in response.

"Well, you have practically been ignoring Tae to hang out with her," Jimin defended, his hand being placed on his hip, "Is that what he is telling you? Because I am pretty sure I have been there for him on multiple occasions,"

"Maybe he needs you more as a friend right now," Jin finally yelled, his hand on his forehead, his tone fast.

The sentence left the air heavy. Everyone was looking between each other, trying to figure out when the bickering will end between them.

"I am doing my best under the circumstances we are faced with, maybe you two will see that instead of seeing me as a bad guy," Jungkook turned to walk away, and Jin's eyes followed the movement.

"Well good morning, guys," Hoseok joked, earning glares from Jimin and Jin, "Let's just go get ready to go to class," Namjoon stood up, shaking his head.

The day wasn't any better for the group. At lunch they sat in silence, instead of laughter and jokes the air around them clouded their thoughts. No one expected each other to talk, because what conversations could be made of what happened this morning.

[message from Tae]

[11:59] Hey how is school going? Jungkook hasn't been texting me back.

"You know the least you can do is answer him," Jimin struck out, breaking the silence, Jungkook set his phone down, "He has Do-Yeon remember?" Jungkook mocked, his eyes narrowing in on the latter.

"Oh, so now you want to be a dick?" Jimin asked, taken aback by the sentence that came out of his mouth, "A dick? I don't understand how I am being a dick when you are making it sound like I am not there for him, I am trying, and trying, but nothing is enough, huh?"

The boy earned looks from the table due to his sudden outburst, "Why don't you try to balance basketball and being a parent with someone who has been your best friend since forever, and also dealing with the fact that he has someone else in his life now?" Jungkook finished, his voice barely above a whisper. The cafeteria fell silent, all eyes on him. He looked down at his untouched food, suddenly feeling very small.

"Jungkook..." Jin started, but Jungkook held up a hand to stop him.

"No, it's fine. I get it. I'm the bad guy here," he said, standing up. He grabbed his bag and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving his friends in stunned silence.

The rest of the day was a blur for Jungkook. He went through his classes mechanically, not really hearing anything the teachers said. His mind was elsewhere, replaying the morning's events over and over again.

Taehyung met Jimin and Jin outside his house. The two were quiet, causing Taehyung to silently get into the backseat of the black car.

"So how was your guys' day?" The boy questioned in an awkward tone as Jimin reversed out of the driveway, "Where is your doctors office?" Jimin questioned, trying to avoid the question the best he could.

"Okay, well it is in town, it is a gray building, I will show you when we get there," The boy had a soft tone, fiddling with the end of his sleeves.

The air grew quiet around them, the only sound was the music playing in the background. when they arrived, they walked through the glass double doors and up to the counter.

Taehyung was now officially 5 months along and each day his body ached more and his thoughts ran faster than before.

As they waited in the waiting room, Taehyung wanted to know why Jimin and Jin were acting so weird. Just this morning Jimin was texting him perfectly fine along with Jin. Instead of breaking the silence he waited until the nurse called him back.

Jimin and Jin exchanged a glance before following him into the examination room.The doctor, a kind middle-aged woman, greeted them with a warm smile. "Hello, Taehyung. How are you feeling today?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern."I'm okay," Taehyung replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt. He climbed onto the examination table, his hands shaking slightly.The doctor began the ultrasound, her eyes focused on the screen. Taehyung held his breath, his eyes glued to the image of his baby. He could see its tiny hands and feet, its little heart beating steadily.

After a few moments in silence the nurse began to ask a question, "Now, would you like to know the gender of your baby?"

Jin and Jimin's faces, that were pouty, were now glistening with excitement, "I didn't know that was today!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, "Well, is it a yes or no," She smiled brightly because of the ecstatic boy's face, "Of course I do!"

Jin and Jimin gathered closer to the table and put their hands on Taehyungs arm, "Well Taehyung, looks like you will be having a boy,"

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now