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In front of Taehyung, less than six feet away, stood Mr. and Mrs. Jeon. The air thickened with tension, their presence like a storm brewing on the horizon. Taehyung's heart raced; he hadn't expected them to be here, not after everything.

The woman—Mrs. Jeon—wore a large smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners. In her hand, she clutched a gift, wrapped in shimmering paper. A fairly large one, as if trying to compensate for the years of absence.

"How are you doing, Taehyungie?" Her voice was soft, almost fragile. She reached as if to bridge the gap between them. "Mom? Dad? I didn't think you guys would show up."

Jungkook, standing behind Taehyung, looked equally stunned. His expression mirrored Taehyung's as if they'd both glimpsed a ghost. But why were they here? Why now?

"Why wouldn't we?" Mrs. Jeon's words held a hint of reproach. "This is our grandchild." Her smile faltered, revealing the cracks in her facade. Beneath the pleasantries, there lay a lifetime of disapproval, of unmet expectations.

Jungkook nudged Taehyung, urging him to react. To acknowledge them. To show some sign of life. But Taehyung remained pale, frozen. He'd hoped for acceptance, but deep down, he knew better.

"Since when do you listen to us?" Mr. Jeon's voice cut through the tension. His eyes bore into Taehyung, unyielding. "Never will we accept this child."

Never would they appreciate Jungkook—the man who loved their son fiercely, who tried his best to please them despite their disdain. Never would they be proud of their flesh and blood.

"I have always listened to you," Jungkook's words were a whisper, almost lost in the charged atmosphere. His gaze never wavered from Taehyung. "Thank you for coming."

Taehyung bowed quickly, a gesture of respect even in the face of rejection. He turned back to them, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions.

"Well if it isn't the Jeons," Taehyung's mother spoke, her tone polite but distant. She bowed, and her husband followed suit. "It has been ages."

Jungkook's mom mirrored the gesture, but her eyes held a mix of curiosity and wariness. She knew the history, the unspoken battles fought within these walls.

Jungkook seized the opportunity, pulling Taehyung away from the sudden surprise. Away from the ghosts of the past. "What is wrong?" Taehyung's doe eyes searched his, seeking solace.

And in that moment, as they retreated to a quieter corner, Jungkook vowed to shield Taehyung from the storm. To be the shelter he'd always needed, even if it meant standing against his own family.

"I just can not believe they showed up," Jungkook spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, "Is that not a good thing?"

"I just do not know why  they are here, their intentions can go either way," Jungkook explained, breathing heavily, "Turn your mind off, everything is gonna be okay, this is only gonna be a few hours and it will be over with, you are gonna be fine,"

Jimin and Jin were talking as the rest of the group began to show up, "It is so bright," Yoongi shivered and Jimin shot him a death stare, "It is amazing," Namjoon defended as he wrapped his arm around Jin.

"Not for long," Jin's smile faded as a girl walked through the door, Jimin turned his head to where Jin's eyes were pointing and his mouth gaped.

"Not this bitch again," Jin groaned, the girl had two gifts in her hands it seemed like there was a large possibility for trouble, "Jeon Jungkook," Jimin stormed over to the boy, tension still in the air.

Jungkook felt his shoulder push back and stared down at Jimin, "What is happening, why is everyone so upset..." Taehyung trailed off hearing a voice speak a soft hello, "Congratulations," Ara held the presents out and Taehyung felt his heart skip a beat.

"Thanks," Taehyung spoke back in a broken voice, "I will go put them over there," Taehyung dismissed himself and Jimin threw his head back, following Taehyung in absolute dread about what had happened.

"I did not know she was invited," Yoongi spoke with his mouth still open from shock, "It is because she wasn't," Jin spoke back, his hand being placed on his hip gently.

"How is everything going? It looks great in here," She smiled brightly, her signature smile always put Jungkook in a better mood, "Well my parents showed up and almost put me into cardiac arrest, but I am better now," Jungkook softly chuckled.

"Taehyung!" Jimin called as he marched after the boy, "You invited her?"

"I indeed did not, Jungkook must have," Taehyung shrugged as he began organizing the presents out of anxiety, "Without running it by you? What a dick move,"

Jimin analyzed the boy's movements, stopping Taehyungs hands and holding them. The two shared a soft gaze and Taehyung grabbed his hands back.

"This is not about me or Jungkook, it is about the baby, so can we keep it that way? Please?" Taehyung walked away towards the food table and Jin walked over to the boy who was left standing there.

"Operation kill Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin crossed his arms while looking over at the latter who was laughing with the girl, "I am holding back, Taehyung thinks this is about the baby, but it is about him and Jungkook is ruining it," Jimin answered, Jin's face relaxed as he shook his head.

"Are you excited!" Ara poked his chest and the raven-haired shrugged slightly.

In all reality, he did not know how to feel. He did not understand how to cope. The situation is a big scary mess. Uncertainty filled their lives and that was what made Jungkook secretly want to crawl into a corner and cry.

"I just am focusing on now, it helps calm me down,"

Ara nodded and looked around, meeting eyes with Jin and Jimin who were whispering to each other, "They don't like me do they?"

"They are just very judgemental, they did that with me too so don't worry," Jungkook reassured and he felt a poke on his shoulder, "We are gonna open presents soon, if you want to help,"

Jungkook and Ara's conversation was flowing. As Jungkook looked at Taehyung's eyes he knew he needed to be there for him now. Jungkook dismissed himself and walked behind Taehyung.

Ara walked over to the Jeons, "I can't do this," Ara groaned and Mrs. Jeon looked at her, "If Jungkook finds out that we put you into this he will never speak to us again, carry out the plan and we will leave your dad's business alone," The woman spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"He doesn't like me,"

"With time," Mr. Jeon dismissed him and his wife from the conversation and went to sit with Taehyung's parents.

Leaving Ara in her thoughts. In her Agony.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now