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When Taehyung arrived to school, he was relieved to see Jimin and Jin sitting alone on the bench where they meet up every morning.

"Hey Taeee," Jimin said loudly and Taehyung smiled, "Hey Chim,"

"You look so tired," Jin analyzed and Taehyung laughed, "Is it obvious?"

"I am running out of clothes that fit me, the baby is growing inside me too fast," Taehyung sighed loudly, "Why don't we go shopping tomorrow after school?"

"Oh my! Yes! We haven't been shopping in so long," Jin celebrated in agreement, "Can I go?" A voice struck out and Taehyung glanced behind him and smiled.

"Yea, and you can pay for my new clothes," Taehyung spoke with annoyance and Jungkook gazed towards him, "I mean I will?"

The two looked at each other confused. Taehyung was confused because he was kidding and Jungkook confused because that is what he was going to do.

"Hey guys and pregnant bitch," Yoongi spoke out and Taehyung shifted his gaze over to him, "You could have just ended the sentence with hey guys," Taehyung smiled while shifting his backpack.

"Hey!" Hoseok bounced over and sat on the bench next to Jimin, "Why don't we all go shopping together? I need party outfits!" Jimin exclaimed and Taehyung sighed with apprehension.

"Are we going to do the party Saturday night? What if we just do it the weekend after?" Taehyung spoke softly, hoping he wouldn't get judgmental looks from everyone.

"Wouldn't it be fun though, we haven't had a party in forever, we have been to busy with our lives," Jimin looked at Yoongi with a firm gaze, "I don't know if I'll feel like it, especially since I need to get the nursery put together afterwards,"

"Tae I can help you on Sunday put everything together, I have practice Saturday night anyway, I wouldn't be able to help as much," Jungkook reassured as he placed his hand on Taehyungs back.

"Pathetic," A girl spoke as she walked by and Taehyung turned around quickly, "Just wait until after I give birth to this baby, I will rock your shit," Taehyung stormed after her and Jin quickly ran after him.

"Tae, calm down," Jin spoke with a laugh and guided him back to the group, "Okay so are the plans set," Yoongi spoke with annoyance filling his voice.

"Hey guys!" Namjoon spoke as he analyzed the faces of everyone, "Did I miss something?" The boy asked and they all broke out in laughter.

"Let's get to class," Hoseok shook his head and placed his arm around Jungkooks shoulder, Namjoon and Yoongi following behind.

"So have you told him?" Jimin asked quietly as they parted ways from the others, "How would I tell him? Hey Jungkook you know how I'm pregnant with your child? Yea I really like you now and I think I liked you when we had sex," Taehyung looked around after saying that because of the party a few months back.

"I mean that is what I would say," Jin joked and Taehyung smiled softly, "I just don't know if it will go the way I want it to go," Taehyung sighed and they sat down in the desks.

"You never know unless you never try,"  Jin softly stated and Taehyung sighed, his hand moving to be placed on his stomach, "I just really need him as more than a best friend right now,"

The boys all nodded, knowing where the boy was coming from. With Ara being thrown into the mix and Taehyung not knowing where Jungkooks feelings are for him, it is hard to be positive.

The school day went on. With every minute passing Taehyung just wanted to leave the school grounds and take a nap. The days were beginning to feel the same to him. Eat. School. Sleep. Repeat.

Jungkook was trying his hardest to understand signals and facial expressions from Taehyung, "Hey Kook, can you help me organize the nursery tonight maybe? It is better to get it done now,"

"I would but I am gonna go play basketball with Ara,"

Of course he was. What was new? Taehyung could only role his eyes at the sentence. Jungkook sighed and closed his locker.

"I'm sorry I will make it up to you, basketball is really important because if I don't do good this year then my parents will take you and our baby away from me," Jungkook explained and Taehyung looked up at him.

"What can you parents do? You are going to be grown and go to college, soon your parents won't be able to do anything, plus you are already amazing at basketball," Taehyung argued as he seen Jungkook look behind him.

"I know Tae, but I'm gonna go to trade school and probably still be living with them, if I go against them then I am kicked out, you know how they are,"

"Yes, Jungkook, I know, but if anything I have room in my bed for you and you can come stay with me," Taehyung grabbed Jungkooks attention back on him, "Thank you I appreciate it, I really do, but I won't have time for me if I do that,"

Taehyung's mind began overthinking like it always does. Now he is even more nervous to bring up the feelings he has for the boy. It sounded like he is wanting his own life as well. Which could include other partners and Taehyung hated that idea.

"Okay well the option is open for you, just be safe tonight driving, it is supposed to rain,"

With those words Taehyung walked off and out of the doors. Jungkook watched the boy grow farther from him and he felt a nudge from behind him.

"Jimin, you scared me," Jungkook laughed as he turned around to face the boy, "You know Taehyung is a good person, you should really try to keep him close," Jimin sighed, "I know Chim, that is why I'm still by his side through all of this, it is just starting to hit, the reality of it all," Jungkook explained as he threw his backpack on his shoulder.

"Well maybe you two should be closer," Jimin hinted as he walked away towards the same doors Taehyung left out of, "Wait, Closer?"

"You heard me," Jimin winked as he walked backwards with a smirk, facing foreword to push the doors open.

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