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"Jungkook!" The boy heard the voice from his room as he sat on his bed while trying to call the latter, "Jeon Jungkook! Get down here now,"

Oh great. Jungkook knew within seconds of his full name being called the word was out. His parents were more strict and had rules. They were only concerned about his sports than his life and Jungkook was scared to go down and face them alone.

Jungkook crept downstairs and his shoulders were straightened and his posture was as if he was ready to serve in court, "You got Kim Taehyung pregnant?" Mrs. Jeon served no remorse and didn't spare any time.

"Mom, look, it was an accident that has happened and we don't know what to do,"

"You should have thought about that, so are you and Taehyung together?" The man's voice struck out, disappointment filling his voice, "What about basketball? Do you not care anymore?"

"Tae and I are friends, I care about basketball, I really do, but this was something I did and I have to handle it, I'll juggle everything, I will, I just need time to think,"

"So he was a one night thing and now you have a kid on the way? I knew this was going to happen, I knew it, I was just waiting," The woman snarled as she sat on the kitchen chair in shock.

"Taehyung? How is that even possible, so you are gay?"

"Dad I like girls too, we have been over this," Jungkook groaned, his dads fist was balled up on the counter, "I'll figure this out on my own,"

"If I see your basketball skills fading, you will have to stop contacting Taehyung, you are lucky we are even thinking of letting you talk to him,"

"I'm lucky you are thinking of letting me be a parent," the boy was taken a back by the words his dad spoke, "I'm 18 I can do this on my own and it's my decision to be there for them, don't worry about basketball, I'll still be good and I'll still go to practice, I told you I'll juggle it,"

[message from Taehyung]

[4:01] I'm sorry I just seen your message. I wouldn't have told my parents if I knew you didn't want to yet.

[4:10] Jungkook are you okay?

Jungkook was okay. But his parents were still being frantic and still questioning every little detail. He was sat at the table getting lectured because of his mistake.

As soon as he was dismissed he walked back in his room and grabbed his phone. He read Taehyungs message then decided to call the boy.

After a few rings he heard the latters voice on the other end, "Hi," Taehyung softly said and Jungkook sat on his bed, "Hey what are you doing?"

"I am currently laying in bed and reading, trying to get my mind off of everything," Taehyung earned a hum from the other line and Jungkook looked out of his window.

"Can we meet somewhere? Like the school parking lot or something," Jungkooks voice was quiet and his voice was shaken.

"Yea, are you okay?"

"Kinda, I don't know, I just need to talk to you," Jungkook sighed while looking around his room, "okay just meet me there at 4:30,"

The time passed and Jungkook saw headlights pull into the parking lot. The car pulled up next to him and the boy got out of the car with an apple in his hand.

"Are you hungry? We could have gotten food," Jungkook laughed softly and Taehyung smiled, "I just wanted a snack, that's all,"

"How did your conversation go?" Jungkook questioned as he played with his steering wheel, "It went good, my parents said they will support me through it all and will make sure I'm okay, how did yours go?"

"Well mine went something like 'Jungkook what about basketball, don't you care about it? Are you gay? Are you and Taehyung together? Was this a secret?' But other than that it went fine," Jungkook mocked and Taehyung sighed loudly.

"Do you think this will all be okay and work out for us?" Jungkook added and Taehyung shrugged while biting the apple, "I mean it's difficult, we aren't together, and we are teenagers, with a whole other semester of school to go through, but I feel like if we work together we could make it through,"

"You are always so optimistic,"

Which was why Jungkook was thankful it was Taehyung that he got pregnant. Because anyone else, it could have been a bigger difficulty.

"I try to be, especially when I have something growing inside of me, we can thank Jimin later," it wasn't awkward between them like Jungkook thought it would be, in fact the only tension there was between them was the fact they are going to be parents.

"Should we announce it now? I mean since our parents know, Jimin and Jin knows," Jungkook spoke softly and Taehyung shrugged.

"If you wanna," Jungkook nodded and Taehyung took his phone out.

Jungkook laughed and disconnected their hands, "I know we aren't together, but I will be there for you no matter what happens,"

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Jungkook laughed and disconnected their hands, "I know we aren't together, but I will be there for you no matter what happens,"

"Thanks Kook, it means a lot, I guess you are pretty cool,"

"Our kid is gonna be the coolest person on the planet,"

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now