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When Yoongi slowly regained his consciousness, he was immediately aware that time had passed, though he wasn't sure how much.

His head was pounding, and his limbs felt too heavy to move. The simple act of opening his eyes took all of his effort and concentration.

His vision was blurry, but the more he blinked, the more it slowly turned sharper.

He was laying on his side on something hard, cold and uncomfortable. Vertical dark bars patterned his sight, and it took him a while to realize it wasn't something wrong with his eyes.

He sat up carefully, not wanting to feel even more nauseous than he already did. It was difficult to accomplish, since his hands were tied together in front of him, throwing off his balance.

He managed to straighten up, leaning against the uncomfortable bars that lined the cage he was in. He took a few long moments to settle the looming nausea and take some deep breaths.

When he opened his eyes again, he could see better.

He was in a dark room, that was void of anything but himself and the cage. A steel door was the only entrance and exit, with heavy bolts lining both sides of it. The walls and floor were made out of gray concrete.

It looked like a solitary confinement room, and Yoongi hoped that Namjoon had never been put in here before.

There was the sound of metal sliding, and Yoongi jumped.

A small rectangle of light appeared on the door, and a pair of glaring eyes peered at him.

Yoongi's heart started to pound, and he curled up in the corner of the cage, as far away from the door as he could get.

The small window slammed shut, and then a moment later there was the sound of a heavy lock coming undone.

The door opened, throwing light into the room.

Yoongi squinted, raising his bound hands to his eyes.

Footsteps walked into the room, multiple pairs.

"Well, good morning sleeping beauty." Won chuckled. "Jeez, you're such a lightweight that just a few drops of chloroform knocked you out for nearly five hours. I was starting to worry we accidentally put you in a coma."

"Too bad we didn't." Yim glared, crossing his arms.

Five hours had passed?! Yoongi looked anxiously at Kang, who was leaning against the wall, looking rather unbothered given the situation.

He didn't have Namjoon or Jungkook with them, and Yoongi breathed a silent sigh of relief.

He faced Won and glared.

"I thought we had a deal."

Won nodded. "Yes, I'm not surprised you thought that. Since I was lying to you, and all."

He stepped up to the cage, lowering himself down to be more eye level with the imprisoned doctor.

"You see, Namjoonie is far too irreplaceable to be swapped out with any other living thing. Not even a hundred million gold bars would be equivalent. I wouldn't trade him for all the answers to all the secrets in the world."

"I'd trade him for a pizza and a six pack of beer." Yim called.

Won hummed. "He's a cat person."

"Then why am I here?" Yoongi hissed. "What was the point in making up a deal and meeting me in the coffeeshop?"

Won laughed, patting the top of the cage. "Silly little doctor. You're obviously the bait."

Yoongi felt his heart stop. "No... no! No- he won't do it!"

"Of course he will." Won disagreed. "My little Joonie has the biggest heart. How many times did he say he should leave you and your student friend? That you two would be safer if he exited your lives? Once he sees that picture we took of you to show we had you in our possession, he'll be begging us to take him back. In exchange for your safe return, of course."

"Leave him alone!" Yoongi threw himself against the front of the cage, rattling the bars as he gripped them with his tied hands. "He ran away from you for a reason!"

"Meh." Won shrugged. "We need him back. And as lovely as you are, doctor, I don't have the time, resources or patience to get you to Joonie's level."

"What do you mean." Yoongi growled.

"There's a buyer in China." Won said. "Fifty million dollars."

"You're... going to sell him?" Yoongi felt sick.

"Well duh," Won chuckled. "We didn't create him just to keep him here forever. I run a business, doctor. Not an animal shelter."

"You can't do that!" Yoongi shouted, banging his fists on the bars. "He's just a kid! His home is here- in Korea! With me and Jungkook!"

"This isn't a Hallmark movie." Yim glared. "That stupid dog is getting sold to the nephew of the president of China by the end of this week. I'm personally flying on the plane to bring him there and ensure the transaction is completed."

"Hey now," Won faced him. "He's not stupid. He's very smart, actually. That's why we're charging so much for him."

Yoongi felt his life slipping away. Even if he got out of this mess alive, what would be the point of anything anymore? How could he go back to his normal life knowing Namjoon was gone forever? What if that Chinese man was a horrible, abusive person?

"Anyways," Won stood up, yanking Yoongi out of his spiral. "Your appointment is in a few minutes."

Yoongi wasn't sure he heard correctly. "A...ppointment?"

Kang stepped forward now, kneeling in front of the cage to grab the heavy metal padlock. He inserted a key and the door swung open.

Yoongi tried to scramble out of his reach, but the cage was small and offered no place to hide.

A strong hand clamped down on Yoongi's arm and dragged him out.

Yoongi struggled as he was hauled to his feet, still feeling weak from the drug and being cramped for five hours straight.

Kang easily guided him down a long, narrow hallway, with Yim and Won following close behind.

Yoongi looked desperately at the man. "Please, don't do this. You said it yourself you don't care what happens to Namjoon, so help me in protecting him!"

Kang snorted. "I'm not like Yim, but I'm not an idiot either. Having Won as your enemy is a death sentence. Nobody is worth getting on his bad side, even if that hybrid is a sweet heart."

Yoongi felt devastated as they led him to wherever they were going to.

He was so stupid. How could he have trusted these people? How could he have let himself get kidnapped so easily?

Namjoon would definitely turn himself in for Yoongi's sake, and he would fall their trap as quickly as Yoongi did. Then he would be punished for running away, no doubt. And after that, he would be sold to a foreign country, to a stranger who might even be more cruel than Yim is.

And Jungkook...

They wouldn't just let Yoongi and him go free. If they didn't kill the two humans, they would be saving them for a fate worse than death.

And it was all Yoongi's fault.

Yoongi didn't want to give up, but he felt tears prick his eyes anyways and he ducked his head to hide them.

If Kang noticed the way the doctor's shoulders shook with silent sobs, he didn't show it.

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