Ch. 1 Meeting The Guys

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I was to join Team Canada in the 2008 World Juniors. I didn't know if anyone from my old team was asked to join, part of me wished someone from my team came, even if it was Jase Anderson, at least I would know someone's familiar face. I was driven to the Ottawa stadium we were meeting at for practice, I nervously got out of the car, I took my hockey bag and stick, and walked in.

"Hello, Ms. Russo, please come with me." Greeted a young woman stuff worker, she led me to the dressing room. I walked in, oh god, I knew no one there.

"Alessandra Russo is it?" Asked an older gentleman, who I assumed to be my new coach.

"Yes sir, that's me." I conformed, he nodded his head, I looked away from him to the guys. Which most were minding their own business, getting their gear on, I tried my best not to look at them. So they didn't get the wrong idea.

"Welcome to the team Alessandra Russo. I'm Coach Smith." He welcomed me, he put his hand out for me to shake, which I took. I couldn't help but smile, I quickly stopped smiling when I saw, him, Jase Anderson. Oh god what was he doing here? I asked myself.

"Nice to see you again Alessandra." He greeted me, I nodded my head, so I didn't seem rude for not addressing him.

"Oh you two know each other?" Asked our new coach, Jase smirked at the opportunity he had to say something stupid, but I took it before him.

"We used to play on the same hockey team before." I simply said, Jase's grin fell off his face immediately. He mouthed the words 'bitch' I just flipped him off, without anyone noticing.

"Oh yes, that's right, the Hawks right? If I'm not mistaken." Coach Smith said, I nodded my head, I remembered those old days, well before Jase broke my heart.

"Well, guys introduce yourselves." Coach Smith asked the boys, he walked out of the locker room. I really hoped I wasn't sharing a locker room with these guys, not like what happened last year.

"I have to know, did you guys date?" Asked a boy, I turned around to look at him. He was a normal sized dude, black buzzed hair, he looked like an Asian model.

"No!" Me and Jase both yelled at the same time. We both looked at each other, I gave him a dirty look.

"Something definitely went on between you two." The guy with the black buzzed hair said, oh my lord would he ever let this go? I asked myself, the other guys agreed with him.

"Well-" Jase started. I quickly cut him off.

"No, nothing went in between us, only a bet which I totally won." I said sarcastically, the guys laughed in shock, Jase just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah right!" He scoffed, he was totally lying, he was so unaware of my plan. Like getting hella wasted at that party in LA, and it worked, without him even knowing.

"Alright well, I'm Jake Kim." The boy with the black buzzed hair introduced himself. He looked like a kind boy.

"I'm Jase Anderson." I'm sure they already knew that, he probably already embarrassed me before I got there.

"I'm Luke Bedard." I turned to find this Luke, I was shocked by what I saw. A tall 6'4 brunette guy, with curly dark brown hair, russet skin, and dark brown eyes. Woah was he ever good looking, I'm sure I had gone wide-eyed, he wasn't wearing a shirt, I couldn't take my eyes off of him. It was like something was dragging me back to take a glance at him again. He looked as if a 1980s heart throb and a Greek god had a love child, you would get Luke Bedard.

"Connor Rylan." Said another boy, with light brown hair, and blue eyes, he was putting on his goalie pads.

"Quinn Mauney." Said another, I looked to him, he was shorter, black hair, and brown eyes.

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