Ch. 3 Who Is This Girl?

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That was the first time I ever saw Alessandra Russo smile. She had a resting bitch face most of the time, but when she smiled she looked like an angel, she was angelic looking, I couldn't help but find myself stared at her in total awe. Her laugh was heavenly.


I was with Luke Bedard till 8:00 pm. I realized the time, and quickly knew I had to go.

"Sorry, I have to go, we got a game tomorrow." I said, Luke understood, I left, but stopped when I heard something.

"There's a girl on Team Canada!" Laughed a boy with a German accent. What? I asked myself, I looked around the corner, I saw two boys with ginger hair laughing.

"Need help princess?" I jumped when I heard Jase Anderson. We need to get him a bell.

"Holy shit Jase, you scared me!" I whispered to him, he was about to say something, I quickly slapped my hand to his mouth, I peaked around the corner the boys were looking around curiously.

"Need help?" He asked, he always came at the worst times.

"Leave me alone Jase." I coldly told him, Jase shook his head, I knew he was about to do something so stupid.

"Sending a girl to do a man's job." One of the boys said, the boys both shook their head. Then Jase walked out from behind the corner, I tried to grab him and pull him back, but it was too late.

"You boys have a fucking problem with Alessandra Russo, you come to me." Jase sternly told them, Jase crossed his arms to make him bigger. These boys were small and scrawny, they were a little afraid, unsure of what to do in this situation.

"They shouldn't send a girl to do a man's job." The other boy spoke, Jase turned to him.

"Is that so?" Jase asked the small boy, the small ginger boy nodded his head. Before the boys could do anything, Jase had already punched him in the face, right hook.

"Jase what the actually fuck!" I shouted, Jase turned back to me, and looked at me like I had just kicked his dog.

"No one should speak of a girl like that." He calmly replied, he was right, but I didn't want him to punch the guy in the face. I was used to people talking about me like that, it was just so normal to me.

"I don't care about boys think of me, I don't care about the cruel things they say about me." I told him, I didn't need him to be protecting me from everything, I could do it myself.

"No girl should be treated like that." He whispered to me, it was late, the lights in the hallway were poorly lit, I could hardly see Jase's face.

"You don't need to protect me from every little thing." That was the last thing I said to him before I left, I ran to my room. I locked the door when I finally reached it, I Leander back onto the door, I slowly slid down the door. I laid there for a few minutes.


Who is this girl? I asked myself, Alessandra Russo had changed, I don't know, I knew Alessandra was tuff, but I wanted her to know someone else will be on her side. Maybe she didn't like me anymore because of the bet. I loved Alessandra Russo, I wished I had never done that to her, I wished I actually told her my feelings, and not break her heart.


Who is this girl? I asked myself, Alessandra Russo was unreal, she could take any man down with her words, the only thing standing in the way of Alessandra is Jase Anderson, I think he's in love with her, or something, but we'll see who she likes better, Jase Anderson or Luke Bedard. I couldn't stop thinking of Alessandra Russo, I was snapped back to reality, when I heard my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I answered, I heard a voice I knew too well.

"Hey man!" Said one of my friends Daniel Rey, he was god friend of mine from back home.

"Hey D-man." I replied, we called him D-man as he played defence in hockey.

"Any hot chick's at that school of yours?" He jokingly asked, I sighed, laying down on my bed, I couldn't get Alessandra Russo out of my head. 

"Well... one." I answered, my mind immediately went to Alessandra Russo. She wasn't going to get out of my mind any time soon I could tell.

"Oooo! Lukey's got a crush!" Teased Daniel, I rolled my eyes when he started teasing me.

"Well another dude wants her so, I miss my chance I guess." I went on about Alessandra, D-man was not going to take that as an answer.

"Says who? Her?" He asked, he was getting a little aggressive about the topic, he must really want me to have this girl, yet I didn't understand why.

"Well... no, but he'll like kill me, or something if I get too close to his girl." I explained the situation a little further. I don't think Jase Anderson would actually kill me, but I didn't want to take any chances. He was a big dude, and I saw how him and Alessandra played for the Hawks. He was totally in love with her, protecting her whenever he could. 

"He won't, trust me." Said D-man, I sighed, I guess he was right, or maybe it was that Alessandra Russo scared me, I didn't know which one it was.


I was breathing heavily, I tried to slow it down. I still sat with my back against the door of my room. The door was close, I liked the way it felt on my back, the tick's of the clock echoed throughout my silent room. You probably could hear a pin drop. I took my phone out of my pocket, and called someone I knew I could trust.

"Hi mom." I said when my mom answered the phone, I knew my mom was happy to be hearing from me.

"Hello my doll." My mom responded, I loved talking to my mom, she always got me, always understood me, even if her English isn't that good.

"I got something to tell you." I told her, just by my tone, she was immediately locked in.

"Well, what is it?" My mom asked, I push my hair back away from my face.

"It's Jase." I simply said, telling her the whole story.

"Oh my... that's quite the story." My mom said, she was right. Jase was becoming more and more concerned and paranoid for me.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I hopelessly walked around my room, my mom calmed me down.

"You'll be just fine sweetheart." My mom convinced me, she was right, I have a game tomorrow, representing my country in the biggest competition in the world.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Alessandra."

On Thin Ice Book Two of: On The IceWhere stories live. Discover now