Ch. 2 The Math Class

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I never want to smash an alarm clock more than I did right now. I looked over to the time, 7:20 am. Why did I set it so early? I asked myself, I rolled out of the warmth that was my bed. I walked to the bathroom to see a mess in the mirror that was myself, my hair was crazy. Usually I pulled my hair into a low ponytail or a braid, but I was feeling a little bit bold today for some reason, I left it down.

"Oh shit!" I yelled when I looked at my watch, 8:20 am. I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up. I quickly grabbed my jacket as I ran to the classroom. When I arrived the halls were empty.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I whispered to myself. Ms. Cami was going to be pissed, I walked into the classroom all the eyes of Team Canada went to me.

"You're late Alessandra, have anything to say for yourself?" Questioned Ms. Cami, I hated teachers like this, I looked and saw the only empty seat was right beside Luke Bedard. Then I found Jase, sitting in front of the only empty seat, he was smirking like a maniac.

"Nope, continue on." I said, I honestly thought I was going to get in so much trouble for saying that. But somehow I didn't, I took the seat beside Luke Bedard.

"Princess, you should be on team by now." Laughed Jase, I wanted to slap him in the face so hard.

"Shut you're trap Anderson." I muttered, Jase turned back around. We were learning math, math was my worse subject, but yet I still somehow had an great mark in math.

"Alessandra do you know the answer?" Asked Ms. Cami, I had no idea at all, I didn't even know what we were learning in this class.

"Uh, no, sorry." I apologized, Ms. Cami looked annoyed. But I really didn't really know the answer.

"Luke, can you answer the question on the board?" Asked Ms. Cami, Luke took one look at it.

"37." He quickly said, what a smarty pants, he laid back into his chair, like he had done so much work.

"Good job Luke." Ms. Cami smiled, I rolled my eyes, Luke took a cheeky glance over to me.


Was I worrying about this Luke Bedard guy? Absolutely, he was all over Alessandra at practice and here. That wasn't okay with me, she's mine, not his, not any other boys girl, mine. Well I'm sure she would definitely disagree, she hates me right now.

"Good job Luke." Ms. Cami smiled, I couldn't deny it anymore. I was jealous, I couldn't help it, I'm supposed to be the player, not to call you back, Mr. Cool guy. But god this girl Alessandra Russo had a chokehold on me.


Finally the class had finally ended. I grabbed my jacket, I was the last one out, before someone called my name.

"Alessandra, we need to talk." Ms. Cami said, I turned around.


"Well I checked you're records, and I'm thinking of giving you a tutor." Ms. Cami suggested, I wanted to yell at her, and explain how wrong she was. I didn't need a tutor, I just needed to study more, but I knew this wasn't the place to argue.

"When will I meet this tutor?" I asked, I was hoping it would be stranger, so they don't judge me, and I most likely never see them again.

"Luke Bedard." Ms. Cami suggested, WHAT? Luke Bedard? Is this woman out of her mind? I asked myself.

"Luke Bedard? Out of all the people here?" I asked her,  she replied with a nod of her head.

"You will meet him at 4:50 pm on the dot." I walked out of the classroom I was done with this place, and I hadn't even been here for two days.

"Fancy meeting you here princess." Whispered in my ear, Jase Anderson. What a total stalker, I thought to myself, this guy was just following me around all over the place.

"Leave me alone Anderson." I spoke coldly, I wanted nothing to do with him. I still couldn't understand why Jase did that to me, he was the first who I really liked, then he just threw it all away.

"What's the problem princess?" He asked softly, almost as if he asked I would be willing to forgive him, which wasn't going to happen.

"You, you are my problem Jase." I rolled at him, he kept looking at me.

"I hope to see you later." He smirked, that's stupid, perfect, annoying, smirk. The smirk he always did when he skated past me on the ice.

"We'll see." I sarcastically said. I walked to my room that was all to myself, when I finally reach my room, I looked at my watch and realized the time. 4:15 pm, oh shit.


Suddenly I heard knocking on my door, I got up and walked to the door to answer. When I opened it I saw Alessandra Russo, the new girl on Team Canada.

"Can I help you?" I asked, Alessandra was breathing heavily.


"Can I help you?" Asked Luke Bedard, I was breathing heavily, trying to find an answer to his question.

"Yes, um Mrs. Cami said you would help me... or well tutor me for math." I answered, he looked a bit confused, but rolled with it, he invited me inside.

"So what are you struggling with?" He asked, that was the hard part, most of the time I just cheated on my work and tests.

"Literally everything." I answered as honesty as I could, he stared at me wondering if I was joking or not.

"Oh... well this is going to take a long time." He replied after a few seconds, not the answer I was expecting. Sitting here I couldn't stop thinking about Jase, I knew if Honey was here, she would bitch slap me till I had some common sense.

"Let's get to work then." I said with a smile.

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