Ch. 6 Imma Fight A Man

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We had won against Finland, we were doing good. Next game was next week against Germany, I was fearful of their goalie Alex C. He was the best of the best of goalies, unstoppable, fast, strong. To celebrate our win we decided to go out to a party, but not only old party oh no a college party.

"You take forever." Laughed Luke Bedard, he was taking me out to the party. Of course I dressed extremely nice for him. I wore a dark grey halter tank top, dark blue low rise boot cut jeans, with a western belt. My hair was curled in a half up and half down hairstyle. I was really feeling myself.

"Not all of us just threw on what clothing we see on the floor." I shot back, I smiled to myself proud of my comeback Luke giggled a little, it reminded me of Jase. As much as I didn't want to think about he always somehow managed to make his way into my mind, it was like clock work. Soon we had made our way to the party, I took a seat at the bar.

"Two beers?" Asked Luke Bedard to the bartender, the bartender nodded his head as he went to make our drinks. The rest of the boys took a seat around us, Michael and Ashton couldn't make it something to do with school, Jase was supposed to be on his way here. The bartender came around with our drinks.

"Good job boys!... and Alessandra." Cheered some of the boys, I laughed. Not a lot of people knew what to say when they cheered 'boys' or 'guys,' it wasn't that big of a deal for me. We started drinking our drinks when a man walked up.

"Well ain't you just the prettiest girl I'd ever seen." Said a man I didn't know, I stared at him like he was crazy.

"You got a problem bud?" Asked Jase who has walked up behind him, Jase towered over this guy.

"Yeah, you, I'm just trying to get the lady to dance." I knew a fight was going to break out sooner or later. I looked around, no one was paying any attention this way, I had to act fast. I got up than the man grabbed my waist, I pushed myself off of him. I balled up my right fist I let go, my fist punching the guy right in the middle of his face.

"Oh shit!" Some of the guys yelled.

"You bitch!" The man shouted, he was knocked down to the ground, his hand covering his nose now most likely broken.

"Imma fight a man before he does and kills you." I said pointing to Jase, I looked to Jase with his little smirk on his face, I hated that damn stupid smirk. Jase took a seat down across from me, all the boys were silent.

"I have a feeling you guys do this often." Jake Kim broke the silence, me and Jase both sighed at the same time.

"Only once, you got totally wasted at that party last year, I had to carry her home." Jase laughed remembering the moment, I rolled my eyes, all the guys looked to me.

"It was apart of the bet." I defended myself whilst taking a sip of my beer. I was the one laughing now, the boys started laughing.

"Yeah, yeah the bet." Jase nodded his head, he got up and walked over to the bar.


"Only once, you got totally wasted at that party last year, I had to carry her home." I laughed, I saw Alessandra roll her eyes, all the guys looked to her.

"It was apart of the bet." Alessandra defended herself, she was the one laughing now. I will admit she did totally win that bet, fair and square.

"Yeah, yeah the bet." I nodded my head, I got up and made my way to the bar, I took a seat by myself.

"What can I get for you son?" Asked an older bartender, I didn't know what I wanted just something to get rid of my jealousy.

"Something strong." I gave a basic answered, the bartender nodded his head, he looked over to where Alessandra and the boys were and almost understood in an instant. He poured me a glass of whiskey.

"Cheers brother, I've been there." He whispered the last part before he walked away. I took a quick glance back at the table, I almost broke my glass of whiskey when I saw Luke Bedard put his arm around Alessandra.

"I just the boy you like." I quietly said to myself as I chugged the glass of whiskey.


I was a couple drinks in when a song came on, a song I knew all too way it was my song California Love.

"Oh my god, this is my song!" I said to Luke Bedard as I laughed and smiled the most I had all night, these guys were boring if I was being honest.

"Care to dance?" I turned to see Jase with his hand out, I smiled I took his hand he led me to the dance floor.

"Having fun with those guys?" Jase started making small talk, we started dancing I was actually having fun now.

"Not really," I answered, I looked back to the guys, they were all looking at me and Jase. "They are kind boring honestly." I laughed a little, Jase smirked at me that, dumb, stupid perfect, smirk of his. I wanted to kiss him so bad but I hated him, this feeling all mostly just be all the alcohol getting to me. I took another shot.

"Alessandra, you don't need any more alcohol." I was having deja vu from last year, I just wanted to have fun.

"I'm just having fun, we won you know." I laughed, I just wanted to have fun I was all too excited, too excited, I walked off the dance floor and back to the guys.

"You know how to party." Laughed some of the guys, I didn't want to stay out too late like last year.

"We should get going, see you guys later." I said to Luke, he looked at his watch and nodded his head.

"You guys really going to go now?" Asked Quinn, I nodded my head.

"Don't want a relay of last year, see you guys tomorrow for practice." Me and Luke said our goodbyes, he walked me to my room, I'll admit he was a nice guy... did I like Luke Bedard?

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