Chapter 5

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In order for Rex to drop Austin off at the apartment, Austin gave him his address. Austin is going through a mental crisis and wants some space to breathe and some alone time. Rex left the younger in his apartment because he understood that. He also needed time to wrap up his work.

Rex finds Austin to be a great distraction, although Austin is his always favorite diversion. Rex visited a business called Neviewla Company, or NC, which is obviously controlled by Ronin Easton Xoán Carson. Given to its name, this company focuses primarily on astronomy. Due to its substantial knowledge contributions made solely for the betterment of science. The company is also the most prosperous firm in its country.

Since his office is on the top floor, he entered the elevator and pushed the button for that floor. As soon as he arrived, he opened his laptop and sat down in his rotating chair. He hasn't been to his office since he began teaching at the university, so he simply missed the bustle of working for a corporation. Other than that, he's just working; nothing particularly nasty or sinister is going on.

His phone vibrates out of nowhere, and caller ID appears. His wife Athena was there. He took the call, not wanting his wife to suspect anything. "Good evening love." he remarked with a nice smile on his face. But in reality, all of those are only an act. "Hi love! How are you?" Athena asked in the other line. "I'm here in my office, working."

"It's almost midnight! Why are you still working?" Athena questioned. Concerned about her husband. It bothers her when Rex overuses his physique. Rex apologized, saying, "Sorry, but I need to finish this. Don't worry, I'll be back home next month," but in truth, he no longer wants to return. Although he has no idea why he said what he did, he has no choice but to say it.

"I miss you so much if you just know it." Rex almost gag at Athena's statement. "I miss you too." He said almost wanting to laugh at his own lies. "I'll be going now! I need to sleep, I still have meeting tomorrow and don't overwork yourself, ok?" Rex answered okay with a nod, even though he knew Athena wouldn't see it. Nonetheless, simply said "Yes."

"Bye! I love you."

"I love you too." Said Rex, He waited for Athena to end the call. Rex shuts his eyes and takes a big breath. Just telling Athena with those three words can sometimes make him feel overwhelmed, but he must do it, so his wife won't suspect anything. "Just wait until we get divorce." His phone vibrates once again just as he starts to input something on his laptop. "Ugh! What again?!" He grumbled, but as soon as he realized who had contacted him, his frustration vanished. It was Austin.

Hey! Are you awake?

Rex smile grew wider as he continued to type on his phone.

Yeah, I'm still working. Why you're still awake?

I can't sleep.

And why is that?

I'm thinking if you can come here at my place and sleep with me?

Yeah, sure! But why?

I feel like cuddling with you will help me solve my sleeping problem.

Rex laugh while reading Austin massages. "So, you're having problem sleeping without me? Cute."

Just wait for me. I'll come.

Thank you!

You're welcome, darling.

After some minute Austin didn't respond back. "Damn I badly want to finish this work, tsk!" He said and he closed his laptop and stands up while fixing his clothes. "I guess sleeping with him won't be a problem." He went out to his office and went down to the parking lot. "I forgot that it's Saturday tomorrow. This will be fun." After saying that, he turned on his car and drove off, making his way to Austin's apartment.

Rex knocks three times on the door and the door opened revealing Austin who's just wearing an oversized t-shirt and a boxers only that exposed his flawless legs. Rex licks his lips as he tries to calm himself down. "The sight is immaculate." Rex stated as he walked inside the apartment. "I'll go grab some clothes that you can wear." Austin was about to grab some clothes, but Rex grabs his hand and pulled him closer to him.

"No, I prefer sleeping with underwear only." Rex said and gave Austin a quick peck on the lips. "O-ok?" Austin merely said. Rex started to undress himself only leaving the boxers on, while Austin just watching the older undressing. He has seen a couple times, but he is still blushing.

"You're still shy seeing this?" Rex said pointing at his fine body. "Can't help myself." Rex laughed at that statement and sat on the bed. "Come here." Rex gestures for Austin to sit directly next to him by patting the area next to him. Austin complied, giving Rex a hug as they laid in bed.

Austin gave Rex a close embrace while breathing in Rex's fragrance. The elder caresses Austin's head in an attempt to put him to sleep faster. "I love you." Austin faintly said but it is still clear enough for Rex to hear it. "I love you too." Those three words are far more real and authentic now. Austin gives a short smile before nodding off.

At 9:14 a.m., Callum is occupied with his preferred video games on their large flat-screen television. He plays for a long time at their mansion because it's Saturday.

"Callum!?" He abruptly stopped playing his game when he heard his mother calling. "What is it mother?" He said, taking off his headphones so he could hear his mother well. "We have a guest, and they want to meet you." Callum became a little irritated since he was too preoccupied playing, but he had no choice but to found out to see who was searching for him.

Finding himself in the kitchen. A man in his 50s and another man in his 20s were the two persons he observed. He thought the young man in his 20s was quite handsome, but he was taken aback when he looked straight at him. "Nice to meet you Callum." Callum received a greeting from him as well as from the elderly man. "H-hi?" He's honestly a little stumped right now. With a perplexed expression on his face, he asks his mother, 'What do they need?'

"Oh! My son, they're our business partners. They also own a luxury brand called Saint Vator and you're currently wearing their pants." She clarified the situation to his son, and Callum noticed that the brand label on his pants was, in fact, Saint Vator. "So, we are going to be straight forward to you Callum." The elderly man spoke, clearing his throat before continuing with his next sentence. "Here, my son Blade got intrigued by you after seeing your photo. To put it briefly, you two are going to wed, and yes, it is being arranged. He didn't initially want it either, not until he saw your photo."

According to Blade Salvatore's father, Blade is only able to fixate on Callum's eyes. Although Blade may be attractive and fascinating to him, this is not what he was anticipating, and he doesn't like it. He finds it unbelievable that his mother has already approved of this, merely because the Salvatore luxury brand is well-known and could help them grow as a business. It still puzzles him that her mother would do this for financial gain.

"W-wait! Arranged marriage you say?!" Callum asked and Blade's father nodded. "Yes! And you can't do anything about it since your mother already signed up for this." Displaying the contract on Callum, the man said. Suddenly his emotions became heavy, almost like he wanted to cry. "Please pardon me for a moment." He said, leaving Blade's father and his mother perplexed.

Callum leaves, and Blade gets to his feet. "I'm going to follow him." After he left Callum's mother and his father, he followed Callum and observed the little one sobbing on the couch. "I know it's quite shocking and overwhelming, but we'll get through it." Callum immediately wiped away his tears when Blade abruptly spoke behind him. "I just can't process what's happening right now." Blade nodded.

"They'll send us in Milan tomorrow." Callum glanced at Blade in disbelief as he stood up. "Tomorrow?!" Again, Blade just simply nods. "Why?! How about my friends?! Why do I need to go there?!" Callum is simultaneously extremely frustrated and perplexed. He truly wants to cry right now. He doesn't want to leave his place; he loves to be in here, he is love here. "Just like I said, it will be overwhelming, but I'll promised you that I will make you feel safe while we're there."

He scoffed as he looked up at Blade. "Yeah, sure." After saying so, he walked to the room and shut and locked the door. "Didn't thought this will be hard. Now I need to play it in very dangerous way."

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