Waking up

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Lukas's POV 

I wake up to the sound of my sister vomiting in the bathroom, Aiden worrying, and Ivory making fake snoring sounds beside my head. I stare at the ceiling for a minute, before sitting up, and rubbing my eyes tired. Forgetting that we were in a motel for a moment, as Temperence walks out from the bathroom throwing herself onto the other bed in the room.

"It's 6 in the afternoon." Ivory comments, "And that's the... 4th time, the two have gone through the same repetition of steps."

"Ivory are you not worried?" Aiden says, now sitting down beside Temperence stroking her hair.

I roll my eyes, "Kids, do you not know, how mother nature works-"

Ivory elbows me, giving me a look before standing up, "I'm a modern monster, thus I don't worry." she says, "She'll be fine, I'd be worried about designing your house. I'll pay for it was well."

"You can't pay for everything, what if you actually need the money?" Aiden asks.

Temperence sits up, as Aiden gives her the room to do so."Ivory don't... I'll be in life-debt then."

Ivory sighs, looking at me before continuing, "As stated, my business is gone, I don't have anyone to pay, and I'm not having another specially made house, I want something more, simple. Take anything I give you, as a reward for not going insane with everything going on, and staying by my side." She smiles at me before walking out of the room.

I sit there, for seemingly hours in my head, just watching Aiden and Temperence talk to each-other in sign language, and occasionally flipping through a house application book. I didn't really like this motel, with the olive wallpaper pealing from the walls, the wooden floor always creaking, the metal beds making noise every-time you'd breath, the bathroom being trashed before and after Temp destroyed it, and the lack of a news station on the out-dated, flat screen TV. Didn't they know we use holograms most of the time? I stop Aiden and Temperence's silent conversation, with wave of my hand.

"I'm aware, that you two are trying to be secretive, but I can fully understand sign language." I say, "How about you enlighten me about-"

Temperence glares at me, " Lukas, No." She says now standing up, as I roll my eyes in false annoyance, "You weren't here for half a year, what happened during said half year, didn't include you, nor anything that I do includes you. Also, shut up. Do you understand?"

'Fine, I was just starting conversation, though I was going to ask how pregnant you are, for the sake of Ivory paying this room for us.' I sign, crossing my arms, with a grin on my face.

'No sign language either,' She signs back.

I roll my eyes, "How about we go find Ivory? She didn't tell us where she was going." Aiden suggests.

I get up from my seat, throwing on the grey sweater, over my white button down shirt, then putting on a purple and black sport windbreaker over that, glaring at the two, should I say- Newly Weds. I follow them out of our shared motel room, in silence as my sister wanted. We walked around town for a bit, the both of them still having money left over from when Ivory gave them some to go find clean clothes until we got somewhere better. Ivory insisted I spent the lot of mine, so I got to watch the both of them drink expensive drinks; before we went to another house ordering area. Where I got to sit around for another century. When Ivory walks up behind us, "Hey guys, guess what?" Ivory starts.

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