Mistakes and Leads

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Temperence's POV

I still have no idea how someone under the age of 22 can hold their alcohol, that is a question for you Ace. Once Ivory hunts you down and punishes you. I stand behind Aiden as Ivory attempts to yell at Lukas.

"How dare you!" She whines, "Why didn't you stop him!"

Lukas shrugs, "Do I look like a man, able to start stopping him, at the moment?"

Ivory makes a disgusted noise, "LUKAS."

"You'll have to pay me ten fold." Lukas comments, "You still didn't pay me the last time I gave you a favor."

"What favor?" Aiden interrupts.

Ivory ignores Aiden. "Because I don't want to you're disgusting!" she says crossing her arms.

Lukas glances at me, "I bet Temp knows what disgusting is, hey you know what you smell like right now? Blueberry Whiskey."

I stick out my tongue, as I knew what disgusting felt like.

Aiden crosses his arms, "Come on Ivory, we need to find Ace or Lily."

Ivory glares at Lukas more, "I need you. Come on."

Lukas raises his eyebrows, "Begging won't make me." They hold their glares at each-other.

"Guys. Come on stop acting like over-sized children." I start grinning, "You guys can have your love-hate relationship later come on. Lukas I'll heal you, and Ivory, don't worry about paying your bills just yet."

Ivory and Lukas glare at me now. "We are not in any sort of relationship, it's business!" They both say at the same time, annoyed that they ended up copying each-other.

Aiden walks out of the room disgusted. I wave at him, as I walk over to Lukas's hospital bed. Putting a hand on his forearm, I heal him just enough so his stomach wouldn't split open; (if he were to get up, or breath too heavily,) then healing his hands; with a sigh of exhaustion, I go after Aiden.

Ace's POV

After successfully taking Ivory's airship, (which was oddly unlocked) I got to Atlas. Lily told me Copper was near the Schnee dust company head quarters, I didn't fully believe her but I was there anyways. It was maybe a 30 minute trip because I don't follow the air-flight patterns, or the speed limit, when I'm alone. I mean seriously the ship I took; can go 600 MPH.

It was still snowing, there was about 4 feet of snow. (Which made me feel really short by the way, with my height of 5'9". ) I continue walking wearing my blood stained red fleece, listening for any noise that could lead me to the capital city Atlas, or a White Fang camp; whatever was nearer. "Fuck it's cold." I mutter, rubbing both my real and fake hands together. Warning, metal isn't warm. I forgot what the prosthetic was made out of.

I continue walking, wondering if everything this far north was dark and cold. It snowing harder as I continue. I could still see clearly though. I check my watch to see what time it is... 7 PM. As I start walking again I get tackled by an unknown force

"State your name and purpose." a familiar voice rings. "Get off of me and I will tell you!" I spat feeling the stitches slowly dig further into my throat."I will not hesitate to kill you." The voice says. "Okay fine!" I growl, "I'm looking for Copper Koyo. Now get off of me." The brute gets off of me, as I stand up I notice it's the wolf-man from before. I glare hatefully.

He returns the glare. "Ace Areo. Fallen from your grace as Copper would say-" I flip him off, "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE ME TO HER BEFORE I KILL YOU." He rolls his eyes, "I have a name Ace." I glare, "I know Eric. Now shut up and take me to her." I repeat. He walks in front of me gesturing me to follow. I don't know why I would follow someone who helped take away the biggest part of what made me, me; but now I just wanted to find Copper.

Ivory's POV

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse. The ship was missing. "This is horrible," I mutter. "We even had good leads this time." Lukas laughs annoyingly in the background. "Lukas shut up before she attacks you." Aiden says, either referring to me, Temp, or the both of us. "Don't tell me what to do." Lukas snaps.

I roll my eyes. "We'll have to walk unless Lukas wants to teleport us." I say. "What! No!" Lukas says, "Screw! That!" I turn around to see Temperence gripping onto one of his arms keeping him from walking away. "Why are you acting like a 5 year old Lukas." Aiden snaps. Lukas rips his arm free from Temperence, "Do you really want to hear all my issues going on in my head or?" He says glaring at me while addressing Aiden's question. I roll my eyes walking over to Lukas.

"I'll owe you again if you just do as I say." I spat, "I'm asking you nicely. Please?" Lukas glares, "I'm not falling for your shit again. Knock it off. All of you agreed you are only keeping me around for information use." He snaps at me. "Hey guys I was serious back in the hospital-" Temperence says crossing her arms standing beside Aiden. I glare at Lukas ignoring Temperence. He does the same.

"You're hollow and faceless." I state crossing my arms. Lukas turns his head away from me. "You're stupid, chaotically neutral, and I hate-" I continue as Aiden stands between Lukas and I now. "GO ON, PRINCESS." Lukas mocks. "I really h-hate-" I stutter, "I hate how I still, somehow l-love you. Now come on and look at this map and stop being useless." I say shoving a map to Lukas as Aiden moved out of the way. Lukas glances at me before looking at the map.

"I'd assume, you'd want to go to the red dot?" Lukas says as Temperence, Aiden and I waited for him to memorize the map. "Yes, the illegal, gun and dust shop in Vacuo. That Lily pointed out on the map in anumber code" Temperence says glaring at me. Lukas nods, "Okay... Hold hands or some shit." He says grabbing onto my right hand; which he ripped off a few days ago. Temperence holds my other hand and Aiden holds her's. Everything goes black.

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