Chapter 6.We must have talked for about an hour. I saw GOD's Holy Angels the entire time, and after hehad offered to help me as best he could, lending me money and offering to buy me clothes,books, a decent cheap mobile for texts and calls, and "A Holy Bible." he'd said, insisting, myGuardian Angel said one last thing before dissapearing, "Tell him your secret.""There is hope. GOD has a plan for all of us. GOD doesn't want to see his children suffer. GODwill make a way for you as long as you have FAITH and TRUST in He Who IS, and keeppraying."Joseph was a faithful man. He told me my family were indeed in The Kingdom Of GOD.And indeed, I told him my secret."I can see Angels sometimes. They give me hope. But I think I have to suffer.... I think i'mdestined to suffer. I can't easily see a way out of this. Even if GOD has plans for me, I still haveto work hard to have a good life, and it all depends on human free will, doesn't it?... My familybelieved that we went from dust to dust, quoting The Holy Bible. I've never known whether thisor Heaven is the TRUTH, and I don't know a solution to human free will. I'm worried about myfamily being GONE, just gone, and my being wrong about the afterlife... and i'm concernedbecause GOD might have a job for me in mind, yes, but he cannot make anybody give me a jobor the council give me more money, or the shops give me free clothes and food...''THAT is exactly my secret. I can see Angels too. And I can see your parents - They are staningby your side with their hands on your shoulders."Speechless in Awe.- .... Joseph was studing in a bible school and writting books, hoping to become a publishedauthor. He too was on money from the governemt, but he offered to help me just the same. Hewas a good, faithful and innocent man.And I thought I was in love with him.We walked next back to my apparetment... he'd been a gentleman and had said he would walkme home. Most politely. ...-.... 'That is a gift. All the time? Completely visible? Do they talk to you - can you always hearwhat they are saying?" and "my mum and dad are here.... Thank you for telling me." I couldn'tsay or ask more. It was too painful for me."As visible as you are standing accross from me, and I speak to them, to GOD and to Jesus allthe time. It is a gift from GOD.""I only see them sometimes... like now.. when i found the feather.." I showed him the featherand told him "I WANT TO KEEP IT!" and i added, "when i found the money... when my familywas loving towards me.. when i met my best friend..and when i had the car crash. I shouldnever have survived that crash.""You see them when GOD speaks." Joseph told me. I was in wonderment. This was the perfectexplantion. "Let me explain that we do go to Heaven.. or Hell. There is no dust to dust, that waswhat was. Let me explain. Let me explain something to you about human free will also.""Now let's talk about the deep stuff."Joseph explained this to me in a way that made sense, so that I could understand it completely."People went from dust to dust BEFORE Jesus's giving his life for us. The Holy Bible staes"GOD doesn'T judge." GOD judged nobody, and they went to dust. When Jesus gave his life onthe cross, he gave people the chance to go to Heaven, which he ruled over. GOD's greatest giftto His son. Jesus became Lord, Massiah, Saviour and King on Heaven, and Jesus judges thosewho pass away. Jusus gave us eternal life in The Kingdom of GOD and it is because of HIM thatwe can go to The Kingdom of GOD, when we pas away. Explaining what it meant that Jesusdied for our sins is that when we repent, Jesus takes on all our sins for us and we are forgiven,left with none. Then, we have "Eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ.".""Now I understand.." It answered my question. My family had gone to Heaven, and were withme, and part of me could be in peace.But the longing for them didn't stop. I started crying again.I kept my head to the ground always so that Joseph couldn't see.I listened.He explained: "Humans were given three choices - To do GOD's will and follow GODcommands. Second, to choose thier own will but to pray for permission, acceptance orforgiveness from GOD, so as to make it GOD's will, or third, to sin. He said that GOD has adilemha about human free will... HIM and His Holy Angels and Jesus, try to lead people on thepath to GOD. So that they may always choose GOD's will. He said that a lot people listen tothier Guardian Angels and help others in need. He said that humans always have the free will todo the things i'd said they couldn't do, but that it was rare, and that i could always ask and givethem the choice of doing GOD's will or not. When these things happen, it's a miricle. He saidthere are a lot of good people out there, faithful people and a lot of researces that will help thosein need. See, anything is possible with GOD and everybody CAN give you a job with noapplication, they CAN let you have items for free with no money, they CAN choose to be nice toyou even though you're being horrendous and idiotic... but they don't.""And those who sin, sin, sin, and disobey GOD, murder, decieve, steal, commit sexualimmorality and worship false idols, will go to Hell. Hell is real. Your family are shing brightly withHoly light all around them. They are in The Kingdom of GOD. They ARE alive."I knew he'd seen that I was crying. I knew he knew why. It was like he could read my mind. hetried to comfort me."There is no such thing as death. GOD takes everyone's life, but they see earth and then theysee their Guardian Angels and then they can see GOD and Heaven, and there is no nothignessor inbetween moment of death, a person stays alive through all of it and moves in their bodies toThe Kingdom of GOD. In their last moments, there is no pain and no suffering and the roomaround them will turn bright and light and Holy. GOD will speak to them as they get up and go towhere they are to be, to Heaven. There is no death. there is only continuing life. There is nomoment where one experiences darkness or death. You keep living in Heaven.""Or Hell."He thought... "The Angel of Death takes people to Hell. The Angel of Death is one of GOD'sholy Archangels called Azriel. He is with all of those who are to go to Hell, and with those whowill die in exceptional cercumstances such as being murdered. He is also there to SAVE peoplewho are going to be murdered or might go to Hell, to try to lead them to Heaven. Your GuardianAngel STILL never leaves your side, in Heaven or in Hell. Your Guardian Angel stays with youevery second of your existance. In Hell, he or she will try to talk to you for you to repent yoursins and go to Heaven.. The afterlife IS STILL YOUR LIFE'Does that help?""It does... thank you... I have to go now. Thank you for walking me to my home. Um... are youfree tomorrow? We could talk some more if you'd like. Can I have your puppy"A warm smile... and a nervous unsure, uncertain smile as he looked down at the wide eyescuteness adorable ball of fluff and said "Just look at those big eyes... LOOK AT HIM!!" andpolitely declined.Then on another subject, "I'd be honoured." He told me he would bring me a monile phone withhis contact details on it and essential numbers, and said "Surprises." and winked.I never wanted him to leave... I NEVER WANTED HIM TO LEAVE.I watched from my door as we walked around the corner, waving to me before turning and goingout of view, and I gave thanks to my Lord GOD. The Angels all dissapeared.Surprises. But he WASN'T a mystery. I felt like I had known him forever.
She Who Walks With Angels
SpiritualThe full short story book called She Who Walks With Angel. This story is about... A young lady who is in the depths of despair and has lost everything, and it begins with her almost losing her life... but God sends Angels to save her. She falls in l...