Chapter 16.I spoke to Joseph in my glorious listen complex of a pleasent conversation, still avoiding tellinghim MY best kept secret.I awaited his patiently. We are due to get merried next Spring, in only a few months time.(Joseph is goingt to have to take a loan out for our wedding... another problem which he doesnseem to have a care in the world about but since he nor I have any books published and live onbenefits from the goverment, we are going to become severely in debt.) I've sent 6 books -children's books - but all have been rejected. Joseph is still working on his trying to write themto perfection.... he's almost completed the first one, I think. his autobiography. He is planning asequal starting with his married life.... A comedy and a drama, I reckon. he wont let me read ityet, but I have seen some of his short stories and they are exceptionally well written. he showsgraet tallent and I have no doubt that his books will be published once sent. He is still puttingtogether a book of short stories too... I give him idea after idea after idea and he wants to writeall the books that i come up with. I am still in need of medicine to help me to write mine, but apsychiatrist has to prescribe it in this country. I've been recommended by a general practitioner,but we have been waiting months for an appointment. My Prayers are a few paragraphs longand I write them about a paragraph at a time. Joseph asures me that once I have either Ritalinor Adderral, i will find it easy to write entire books.I have other symptoms. I'm a very quiet person. I CAN'T talk much unless I know the personwell or we talk one on one. I'm only comfortabel talking to Joseph.i suffer from fatigue constantly... I'm always tired. Joseph assures me that this too will betreated and cured. I thought it was depression causing it... Joseph assures me that thismedicnine will treat my depression also, and my PTSD symptoms that affect me since i was inthe war in Russia, and THAT, I have kept silent all the way through my book... i'm not proud ofit.Joseph suffers no problems at all.... and that is not blindness by love, he genuinely is blessed ineverything he does. There are a few rare people that we meet in life, i think all of us have met atleast one, who seem tallented and flawless in evrything they do and say, and Joseph is one ofthem. However, I suffer no jealously, and as I think about it, my jealously is subsiding. I'mbecomming more open and understanding of other people's problems and difficulties. GOD ishelping me to do this. I do realise now, this was the influence of something unspeakable - notmyself at all. Joseph is helping me to realise just who I am and that I am deserving of greaterthings in life.We don't have it easy, but Joseph makes everything seem like a blow in the wind... GOD is theanswer to everything to him."Think up an English geography question. What is the answer. A place created by GOD. GOD isthe answer. Think up a maths question. the answer is a number that GOD created. GOD is theanswer. Think of people in history and what they have done. GOD created them and GOD gavethem their gifts. Think of the decisions we make. they are all, in the end, GOD's will. Think offlowers, objects, Heaven, Hell, birth, space, the universe, paralell universes, names, beings,creatures and bugs, things people can do like running, the human body, think of anything andeverything and keep tracking down the answer to where it came from and from who and why itexaists and you will find the end answer ALWAYS is... GOD. GOD IS EVERYTHING. THERE ISNOTHING THAT DOESN'T HAVE GOD WITHIN IT. GOD is the answer to all life questions. Askyourself any life question that you've been asking all your life and think of it in a way that leadsto GOD, and it will all suddenly make sense and become apparent to you. Think of mysteries ofspace and time and supernateral phenominon - There are no mysteries or phenominons whenyou realise that all these things are made possible by GOD, and answer them knowing thatGOD can make all these things possible and sends Angels to interveine or the Holy Spirit orblesses people with miricles, and saves peoples lives even from Alien ubduction, which is real,by the way, aliens are real, and HE is GOS that brings people back to Earth every single time.GOD teleports them back to their beds! Even aliens have the answer.... GOD. And they are noteven human, and everything the aliens know, have and question, the answer will lead back toGOD. There is absolutely denying that GOD IS."So this is why, as Joseph sees every problem as being solved by GOD and he sees GOD inevery problem and leads every problem towards GOD's will and then figures out GOD's plan aslong as he does GOD's will, and he sees that everything and anything is possible with GOD, hedoesn't see problems at all. he light lightheared even when we only have 10 pounds in the bankfor the rest of the month. It honestly doesn't phase him.I have asked Joseph to explain evil to me. Did GOD create evil if GOD created everything?"the answer is no. Evil is what manifested into being when lucifer disobeyed GOD. It nevrexisted and wasn't GOD's creation. The Angels were given FREE WILL and so could fall intotemptation, and this created the option to disobey GOD, AND NO ANGEL HAS EVERDONE IT! A manifestation created sin. The Holy Bible states that "The SINS of THE DEVIl will never beforgiven" but that evil will be completely destoyed. The devil'SINS AGAINST GOD. His main sinis deciet. In the book of revelations it states that he will lead the whole world astray. The devil isthe manifestation of sin, whereas Baylon The Great - Jezabel - IS EVIL ITSELF and will bedestroyed. It is because the devil part of Lucider will be taken away but will still be tormented foran eternirty and still in existance that people will be led to sin again, but sin is ŝomething thatGOD can put right. EVIL will simply be destroyed. There will be no more evil. I'll explain why sinisn't the same as evil.... because sin is more often that not, done with a persons good intentionat heart, even if this intention is Selfish, Wrong and Harmful. The person, coming from GOD,does it because they wish to gain something and this is something that is good forthemselves.... and SIN can always be changed, correced, forgiven, made right, a person canchoose to abolish the sin, whereas evil cannot be abolished but only by GOD.""What exactky defines somebody doing something evil.""Disobeying GOD's commands and acting against the Almighty. This is evilness, such asmurder. For example, when people murder, there is NO good reason for it. Evil is the opposite ofGOD."~....Nothing frustrates me about Joseph, though, when i tell him my problems he takes them allaway speaking of GOD and Jesus and how it will all work out somehow. He says to keep tryingfor the books to be published, and that publishers often refuse multiple times before one ispublished, such as the Author of Harry Potter and she is now a millionaire.he was right, of course. Joseph has a habit of ebing right, but so do I. We never argued. Notonce.
She Who Walks With Angels
SpiritualThe full short story book called She Who Walks With Angel. This story is about... A young lady who is in the depths of despair and has lost everything, and it begins with her almost losing her life... but God sends Angels to save her. She falls in l...