Chapter four - Seeing The Amusing Side of the Negatives...

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Chapter four.I decided on treating myself. I knew this was my Guardian Angel telling me, without my hearing,to get something to make me feel better... I went to the bakery to get a pasty and a caramel hotchocolate, and I went to the park that day wondeing why does a frizbee appear larger the closerit gets... and then it hit me. (haha! mock the week joke. I add them into my writting often!)I was on a bench.... Alone... Not even a friend... crying... and nobody even cared. Not that Iwanted the attention, but not one person stopped to ask me how I could people beso cold? (I would stop in a heartbeat if i saw a stranger crying like I was!! certainly a child! I was19 years old.) I held my hot choclate in my hands. Not even a sip, it was still too hot... I watchedthe people around me. They had friends, co-workers, family, they had children, they had pets,they had bikes and cars and scooters, they had fine good quality clothes, they were smilin andchatting, they had picknicks and shopping and phone and laptops, and nobody looked like theyhad a care in the world. I wondered what these people thought of as problems. An argumentwith their spouse over their famorite tea cup shattered? And now they have to buy a newone...Or thier pet getting ill and having to go to the vets.... Or being bullied... Or losing thierjobs... They were all fine problems, (Yes, they were fine problems indeed..) but I bet nobods icould see around me was struggling and suffering the way I was...I felt jelousy. This was wrong of me. I wondered if i might go to Hell for it, and i thought i certainlyhave to answer to GOD for it when it was my time!And the only thought on my mind was, "I want my mum."I looked down... and the mist appeared... and there was a white feather laying at my feet. Ipicked it up... I needed to keep it and i didn't know why I felt this need, butit was immediatelyspecial to me... for some reason... My Guardian Angel was visible. 'GOD HAS SPOKEN' Hesaid. I asked what GOD said and hurried with, "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?""GOD'S WILL BE DONE. Call me Pettle, because you, Lorna, are like a flower, and I am theflowers surrounding you always and with you always, protecting you always. Now you will seeme.'......... with that, he and the mist dissapeared. I. Was. Stupified. Now you will see me and heleaves again???Bother me.

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