Chapter 2......My family were killed in the war by a bomb striking our home. I wasn't in the house at thetime. My heart bleeds and breaks for them every second of the day and I miss them... I knowthey are in Heaven - The Kingdom of GOD, and that there is a Heaven (and a Hell, I believe!)after this life, of that, I am certain, and i couldn't think of my family being anywhere different toHeaven. I could never think of them as dust to dust.I have doubts and worries deep within me that the Holy Bible means this and all will beressurected from the dead when Jesus returns and that we all go to dust. This is what my familybelieved. The Holy Bible in unclear to me as it also speaks about The Kindgom of GOD andhaving eternal life in Jesus Christ after death. It states that people goto Heaven. Then it sayseverybody goes from dust to dust after death, and I just want and desperatly need to push thisconfusion out of my mind and trust in GOD and Jesus that there is a Heaven.... and that iswhere my family are, safe, happy, love, cared for, their perfect selves, with GOD enthroned andJeses by their side, and able to see Angels all the time... watching over me. So in a way, I canknow that they are still alive, only ina different place, and that they have never really died.So that I can believe that they are still with me and around me in spirit at all time, and I pray toGOD and Jeses not only to show me GOD's Holy Angels, but to show me my family too.... Ipray and pray with tears in my eyes... I have not been given this miricle yet... Above all myproblems, I wish to see my family, and especially my mother, once again. Heaven is the onlything keeping me from grieving tremendously.However, I do not wish to die. I have a strong will to live. I wish for my family to go on and tohave children, and for our family to continue, and I am the only one left. I fear death. Death isone of my worst fear because of my confusion. This question which nobody seems to be able toexplain to me. I'm confused.I grew up a strict Catholic, which was strongly regarded as a terrible religion to be where I livedin Russia. My family believed in dust to dust and being ressurected when Jesus returned. ThisWASN'T the Catholic belief, as I told them, and we disssagreed over it, as we disagreed overmost things. ....However, I had been witness to GOD's Holy Angels... and they had not seen them.... and theyare what leads me to have faith strongly in the afterlife. I wonder if my Guardian Angel will takeme to Heaven. That is his job, isn't it? To take me to Heaven and to protect me.I've thought and I think, "Yes. That's an Angels job. To protect you in this life, to lead you on thestraight path to GOD, and to take you to GOD and jeses in Heaven after death.''And i'm Alwayscorrect. IF my family are in Heaven now, they will be kicking themselves over teling me that weall go from dust to dust, knwoing that they are alive in GOD and in Jesus Christ, and I will bemade right in at least one of my arguemnts!!!Lorna Blythe.
She Who Walks With Angels
SpiritüelThe full short story book called She Who Walks With Angel. This story is about... A young lady who is in the depths of despair and has lost everything, and it begins with her almost losing her life... but God sends Angels to save her. She falls in l...