Chapter 8:Lessons Not Learned

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A pile of thick books was placed on the table by Mercury, and Arcus's mouth fell open. Arcus turned to face Mercury, saying, "What the heck is this!?" "It's what you need, just because you're a soldier does not mean you're just going to fight monsters, you also need to be good intellectualy, and no buts" . Arcus let out a "AH!"

"Based in our observation, you mostly use the 'Miesto' element and we like to enhance that with your offensive and healing capabilities so we gave you this books" Mercury stated. "But that's just plants, leaves, etc. Is it still neccesarry?" "I said no buts" . "I detest this," Arcus protested once more, but he knew there was no other option than to follow orders, so he did as he was ordered.
Mercury left an hourglass for Arcus to peruse among the books and scrolls. He said, "Be done an hour before dinner," and walked out of the room.

With a groan, Arcus took out the books.

"Miesto, belong in the natural elements category. Miesto is composed by floral magic, it is the 1st at being the most compatible with healers-accompanied by their herbal medicines. Although it is use medicaly, it does not mean it cannot be offensive. It uses traps, allergies, and distraction to it's opponents to make way for a sneaky attack from the user. This is commonly used by rangers but a straightforward Meisto user isn't that rare" .

As he turned the page, he complained, "But I already knew that."

"1st spell;grow a flower by first try" . He perused. He pulled out a pot that had seeds in it and said, "Okay, that seems pretty easy."

He read on, "Channel your powers and breathe slowly." Arcus stood up straight and followed the instructions in the book.

His hand extended to the pot right in front of him and said, "C-channel your powers and relax." He makes a hand gesture and something fluid emerges from his skin. He exclaimed, "This must be it!" as the droplet kept falling into the saucepan.

As he finished his speech, "I knew I can do-" a trunk suddenly struck his face, causing him to wince. He grumbled, "I thought it was just a flower."

He turned the tree back after one hour.

"At last," he grew a normal flower this time. "Mercury isn't here so I can maybe slack off-" "not so fast" . Arcus turned around slowly as his expression plummeted.

He shook, "Oh, Lieutenant Elysia, why are you here?" "To train you of course, do you think we wouldn't notice the roots of the tree and noise?" "Oh sh*t" .

Arcus was led by Elysia in a training area. "Okay go run atleast 30 laps" , "30 LAPS!?" "Did I stutter?" "No ma'am" .

Arcus fell to his knees after finishing his sprint. He's catching his breath when he says, "I feel like I'm dying." Arcus cried, "Okay, next push-ups!" and, "Let me breathe first!"

"19...20...25...10—wait, I forgot," Elysia said, turning around. "One mistake, come back and restart." "But—!" Elysia shot out, "No buts."

Arcus finally encountered Mercury in the diner, claiming that he had been tortured for three hours. "So you spent the rest of the day being trained by the obstinate Elysia?" Arcus answered, "Yeah, it was hell," as Mercury gave him a stew to eat. "Go eat, you deserved it" .

"F*ck that guy" , "Yuki!, it's not the time to be jealous right now!" "Tsk" .

Arcus showered, changed into pajamas, and headed to his room. He was so exhausted that he laid in bed, slowly closing his eyes. When his eyes opened, he found himself in a flowerbed. "Hmm, where am I?" he asked, tilting his head to approach the flower. "What's that?" he asked. The flower then abruptly said, "Hi, I'm Miesto!" "Oh not this again!"

*Ring ring* he stood up and stopped his alarm. His door burst open. "Now do 50 push-up for warm-up". "AGHH!"

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