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Again if you say this chaper as 🧪slughorns🧪 no you didnt

As breakfast finishes up I quickly gather Lorenzo's stuff silently stealing it for myself as I didn't havnt any supplies yet. It's a long story on how I ended up here. I would rather not talk about it.

"Sephora- that's not yours-"

"What did you say?? Sorry can't hear you" I'd say before quickly walking off before realising I do need his help. With classes.

I stop in my tracks before turning around.

"Weres DADA??" I question looking hopeless as I notice someone walked next to me as they shove right into me knocking Lorenzo's stuff out of my hands.

"The fuck is wrong with you??" I turn seeing bellatrixie.
"Your what's wrong stay away from my tommy"

I start laughing hysterically before catching my breath again Replying with a simple "mate I've been here around 35 minutes- if you think I fall in love that fast. You must be mistaken. And adding on to that. Love and relationships are a waste of time and space" I'd chuckle before hearing some sighs as I glance next to me seeing a random guy with a red uniform on.

"The fuck you sighing at??" I say giving the bloke a disgusted look before turning back to bellatrixie who has stayed silent the whole time.

"Go on. Go run back to tommy" I smirk before picking my- well Lorenzo's stuff back up into my possession as I drag Lorenzo out the hall of students.


"Hurry Sephora!! We are going to be late" he complains dragging me by my uniform around the castle as I just roll my eyes boating his request for me to hurry.

We finally arrive at the front of the class room before entering.

The class looks rather similar to the other ones I've been to at my old witchery academy's. Old, dusty aesthetic in a way.

I analyse the classroom carefully before Lorenzo drags me to a seat before taking a seat next to me.

"Just barley made it" hed say in relief as I chuckle lightly.

"Good afternoon class"

A rather young looking professor as I recognise to be professor dibbet.

Students around us start to stand up and greet the teacher as I follow along the class a little weirded out.

"Goodmorning professor dibbet"

We say in sync as the class starts to sit down, me following along carefully.

I lean over towards Lorenzo slightly as I turn my head to whisper
"The fuck was that abo-"

I start to say before getting rudely interrupted as my attention is now back to being drawn to professor dibbet.

"Got something to say miss Davy?"

He says eyes drilling into mine as I don't break eye contact. I would sigh before replying with a simple.

"No professor"

I hold back the urge to roll my eyes as he begins to speak again.

"I'm certain you did say something that offended me. Is that correct miss Davy?"

I don't hold back anymore. I roll my eyes.


I'd hum nodding my head carelessly.

"Care to share it to the class"

He's gester towards the cowering class as they don't dare make eye contact with him. except for one. Tom.

"Ya know what sure, It would be my pleasure to share my thoughts with the class."

I begin a smirk creeping up onto my face as I slowly behind to stand.

"That FUCK was that about?"

I say making sure I yell the "fuck" part as I stand there carelessly watching the classes races turn from fear to horror.

"Tok dear do you mind escorting miss Davy to the headmasters office" professor dibbet says calmly locking eyes with Tom smiling sweetly as Tom nods in agreement before taking my arm and dragging me out of class.


He would drag me around for quite sometime. We sat in silence having nothing to talk about. Not like I wanted to talk to him anyways.

My feel clack against the cobblestone as I start to be left behind. I slowly start to speed up to make a attempt to catch up to the bloodily fast bloke before getting shoved against the cold wall.

I hiss in pain slightly my back aching from the impact my eyes shut closed before opening them again seeing Tom inches away from my face.

"The fuck was that about?"

He spat taking me off the wall and shoving me back against it again as I wince in discomfort the pain crawling up to my neck.

"Ow.." I whimper slightly before pulling myself together in a attempt to try not act weak. I'm not weak.

"Ow?? Is that all you can say?? Why the fuck did you talk back to professor dibbet?!?"

I'd sniffle before he'd repeat the process of slamming me against the wall. I feel my knees going raw and numb from the friction of, me, Sephora Ava Davy before slammed against the wall by Tom riddle. Lovely.

"I'm sorry-" I manage to mutter out before  hed pause in his routine of denouncing me against the wall.

"Your sorry?"

He's question before smirking as he shoved himself off the wall and continued to walk calmly towards the headmasters office.

I didn't follow. I just stood there paralysed with confusion. Why did he get to angry? Why was he so protective over professor dibbet? Why this? Why that?

He'd turn around as he registered that I wasn't following. He walked back up to me as I stated at the wall.

He gasped my tie before dragging me by the fabric around my neck down the hall.


We finally arrive at the front of our headmasters office my neck throbbing and reddened from the friction that had accrued in the hallways.

My hands fly to my neck once he let go, undoing the green and silver tie I gasp for the dim air around me finally getting the alive feeling I deserve.

Again if you saw this chapter before it was edited and completely changed. No I did not

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