ℑ𝔪 𝔰𝔠𝔞𝔯𝔢𝔡

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Monsters aren't born
There created
-something I found on Pinterest

I'm scared.

I'm scared

I'm horrified

When you pass out, it's like having a cloth over your eyes, well for me at-least. I could use all my senses, excluding sight.

Im scared

Im scared

Im scared

I can't move. Im slowly panicking.

I feel as I'm being carried. At least, close to something, or someone. I can tell who. I analyse there stride. Confident. They seem confident. Knowing we're there going.

"Take care of her, Tom"

Tom, Tom riddle. Fuck.

I don't know if tom, carrying my body throughout the castle is a good thing or not. It seems like a good thing, but that facade. He's really good at it. I can't tell when he's pretending or not. Sometimes I can. Like when he stroked my hair with his hands, digging into my scalp as I find it oddly satisfying. That's a facade. I know that. He knows that. I don't think he knows that I know that though.

That's fine. I like to pretend. Sometimes I wish it was real. It never has been though, And I'm okay with that.

I've been inched closer to him as he holds me tightly before it feels like I'm being sucked into a small tunnel. Huh. I hear him pant slightly, the cold breeze swiping over us. We're outside. Huh.

I picture his hair gliding to one side as he pushes it back to the other side trying to keep it even. But fails.

I don't know if I'm scared or not. Or if I should be scared. I don't know if i trust him.

Should I trust him?

Or more importantly.

Do I trust him?

I want to be scared but I can't find myself to agree with those terms. I know I should be, I mean, who wouldn't be scared of Tom riddle fiddling with your head making you think your a psychopath? But for some reason I'm not.

I feel at ease with it for some weird reason.
I just picture him. Standing there holding me
With ease out with no worry of the world, in peace. God. Maybe I am psychotic?

I must be if I think Tom riddle could be at ease.
Am I psychotic?

I decide that I'm not scared. How could I be with Tom. Actually I can think of many reasons why I should be scared. Whoops?

He's walking again but against sticks and clumps of... moss? We're are we? Do I want to know we're we are? Not really.

I'm being placed down onto a, bed of sorts. Well that's what it seems like at-least.

"Sephora I know your awake" Tom says abruptly shattering the silence.

I sit up analysing my surroundings before locking eyes with Tom giving him a snarl


"Explain what?"

"Explain why I was covered in blood riddle!!"

"Ahh.. that"

He's frustrating me now. Why can't he Just bloody tell me!!!

"It's just your imagination little devil"

"It's not my imagination because Dumbledore gave me a horrific look" I state the obvious.

"I always seem to underestimate you Sephora"

"Don't change the subject" i hiss as we now sit in silence Tom biting the inside of his cheek before saying.

"Stay here" he says as I look at him in confusion before he evaporates before my eyes. Fuck.

"Little Bitch" I say flying out of the bed as I scramble through draws to try find something, anything.

No luck.

I glance around the treehouse looking thing. It's quite well made. Dark oak, good choice. I find myself to be pretty impressed. I wonder if he made this himself, or did he just simply use magic?? Guess I'll never know.

I'm just sat around waiting for him to come back.

I'm still just sitting around waiting for his to come back.

When is he coming back?? It's been like a hour!!

I glance towards a working clock just to realise 3 hours has passed instead of my thought, which was one.

Panic starts to shoot throughout my body. How long am I going to be here? Fuck I'm scared. Why am I scared. I shouldn't be scared I shouldn't be fearful, that's more of a Hufflepuff thing. Not a Slytherin thing!! 

Did he just leave me hear?

I fly off of we're I was sitting from surprise as he appears before me.

"Did you really flinch that badly you landed of the floor?" He questions as I look up at his smirking face before looking down to the floor. I didn't know I jumped that far. I scramble up to my feet to meet his eyes.


"Come with me" he says his smirk still plastered on his face.

The one I tried to save (Tom riddle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now