𝓒𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓻𝓸𝓪𝓭𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓎

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"Sephora," he greeted me, his voice calm and measured. "I sensed you would seek me out."
-Tom riddle

As I continued through the labyrinthine corridors of the treehouse, thoughts of Tom Riddle and Dumbledore's cryptic warnings churned in my mind. The air seemed charged with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, each step bringing me closer to confronting Tom again.

The faint echoes of my footsteps mingled with the whispers of ancient magic that permeated the walls. I navigated through shadowed passageways, guided by a growing determination to unravel the mysteries that had been set before me. Despite the doubts and uncertainties that plagued me, a stubborn curiosity burned within—an insatiable desire to understand the depths of magic and power that Tom had promised.

Finally, I reached the heart of the treehouse, a chamber bathed in a soft, eerie glow. Tom stood at its center, his presence commanding yet enigmatic. His gaze met mine as I entered, acknowledging my arrival with a slight tilt of his head.

"Sephora," he greeted me, his voice calm and measured. "I sensed you would seek me out."

I approached cautiously, the weight of our previous encounter hanging between us like an unspoken challenge. "You've shown me glimpses," I began, choosing my words carefully, "but I need to understand more. About you, about what this alliance means, and what it offers"

Tom studied me intently, as if assessing my resolve. "Knowledge is power, Sephora," he replied evenly. "And power, properly wielded, can reshape destinies. Yours, mine, even Dumbledore's."

His mention of Dumbledore stirred conflicting emotions once more. "Dumbledore warned me about the dangers," I admitted, feeling a surge of defiance against both mentors. "He spoke of ambition clouding judgment."

A faint smile played across Tom's lips, tinged with something that could have been amusement or bitterness. "Dumbledore fears what he cannot control," he remarked cryptically. "But you, Sephora, have always had a mind of your own."

His words struck a chord. "What do you see in me, Tom?" I pressed, my voice betraying a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Why choose to guide me down this path?"

Tom's expression softened slightly, revealing a glimpse of something almost akin to sincerity. "You have potential," he admitted, his tone tinged with a rare vulnerability. "More than you realize. With guidance, you could surpass even Dumbledore's expectations." He starts walk circles around me as I constantly follow his eyes seeking for emotions that I already know he doesn't have. I've grown quite dizzy.

The flattery was tempting, yet I couldn't shake the lingering doubts. "And what do you gain from this?" I challenged, my gaze steady. "Why invest in me?"

He regarded me thoughtfully before answering. "The wizarding world is on the brink of change," he explained evenly. "I seek allies who can shape that change, who understand the true nature of power."

I hesitated, torn between the allure of his promises and the cautionary tales I'd been warned of. "And if I refuse?" I asked teasingly, testing the boundaries of our newfound alliance.

Tom stopped abruptly as his eyes darkened slightly, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "Then you will remain in the shadows," he replied, his voice carrying a weight of finality. "But know this, Sephora. The world will not wait for those who hesitate."

His words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken implications. I knew I stood at a crossroads, where every decision could tip the balance of my destiny. As I contemplated my next move, a part of me yearned to embrace the opportunities Tom presented—to delve deeper into magic, to unlock my true potential. But another part, nurtured by Dumbledore's teachings, urged caution, warned of the dangers of unchecked ambition.

In that moment, I realized that my journey was not just about power or knowledge—it was about understanding myself, my motivations, and the kind of wizard I aspired to be, I don't care if he wants power, I was an explanation. With a deep breath, I met Tom's gaze squarely.

"I need more time," I declared firmly, my voice steady despite the storm of uncertainty within. "Time to weigh my choices, to discern the path that aligns with who I am."

Tom's expression softened imperceptibly, a hint of respect gleaming in his eyes. "Then I will grant you that time you seek for," he acquiesced, his tone surprisingly accommodating. "But remember, Sephora. Destiny favors the bold."

With those parting words, he turned away, leaving me alone once more in the chamber of shifting shadows. As I watched him disappear into the depths of the treehouse, I knew that my decision would shape not only my fate but also the future of the wizarding world.

With renewed determination, I turned and retraced my steps through the corridors, my mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. The journey to uncover the truths about Tom Riddle, about myself, had only just begun. And whether I chose to embrace the darkness or cling to the light, one thing was certain—the choices I made would echo through the annals of history, defining the legacy of Sephora Greenleaf in ways I couldn't yet imagine.

But for now, I needed to contemplate, to seek counsel from sources beyond the treehouse's confines. With a final glance over my shoulder, I departed, setting out on a path that would test my resolve, challenge my beliefs, and ultimately shape the wizarding world's future.

All of a sudden my surroundings are changing into a mixture of cobblestone and wood my feet being lifted off the ground before placed back into it. I steady myself glancing around, I'm back at hogwarts. Lovely.

It's around 1 in the morning. I presume before making my way back to my dormitory, I need time to think, to heal.

Do I follow dumbledore instructions and be weary of Tom and to not follow his pass of
death and destruction leaving Tom riddle
in the dark?
accept the offer tom has given me and strive for success leaving Dumbledore in the dark?
Fate will tell.


Authors note:

short chapter but its 2:30am and I'm to sleep deprived to add more 😜😜

word count: 1034

|| EDITED ||

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