The closet (chapter 6)

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Short but improved chapter

It's annoying really having her on my tail everyday, as if I was her mother. Now it's his turn, toms turn, toms turn to respect me like any other would.

"You should forget about him yk." I say, as i walk bellatrix trying her best to keep up with me. "What do you mean Sephora..?" This girl.

"Riddle, of course I mean all you do is talk about how much you want him to fuck you, like seriously it's annoying" I say loudly on purpose wanting people to hear our conversation as I smirk her turning bright red.

"Please please please keep your voice down Sephora this is embarrassing" she whispers, me smirking with amusement scattered across my face.

"It's not my fault you want to fuck Tom so badly" I almost yell out as I finally turn to look at her, her eyes are swelling with tears as she runs off leaving me smirking.

I continue walking alone before getting yanked into what looks like a small corner as this person pins me to the wall.

"Excuse you" I saw before a hand covers my mouth as students walk past. This was the moment I relized I was in a tiny closet with a random person!!!

"Shush princess unless you want people to see us in this position" the person would say as I immediately recognise the voice. Riddle. Tom riddle. God I can just picture the smirk on his face.

I shove his hand off of my mouth. "Don't touch me, and don't call me that" I hiss as he smirks at my reaction. riddle has always loved getting a reaction out of people. It's his hobby after all.

"Did you mean what you said" he'd say lowering his head towards the left of my neck resting it on my shoulder as his hot breath grazes my skin every time he takes a breath. It's almost addicting.

"Why does that matter to you" my eyes widen as I realise how close we were how our body's just mold perfectly with each other as he presses against me.

"Uncomfortable princess??" He'd say moving his head towards me ear to whisper. "Want me to move??" Tom would say in a low husky voice. Jesus fucking Christ was that hot- wait- what? No no no Sephora you cannot think of Tom riddle like that. Ew.

"If you could that would be appreciated" I whisper as he groans lightly as I bite the bottom of my lip him moving away staring at me. Lord that stare-

What is up with these thoughts today?

Tom would smirk as my face falls with confusing.

"Interesting thought there princess" Tom chuckled lowly as one hand rests on my waist the other holding my neck slightly. Okay my thoughts weren't even that bad.

"Now is what you said was true?? That Bella is desperate to have sex with me??" He's question inching closer.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

"Mhm" i hum in response not bothering to use my precious words on him.

"Wanna know the only person I want to fuck?" He'd question inching closer again his hot breath hitting my face as he moved to my ear again pressing closer


I groan hearing the one word response as I smack him on the shoulder, annoyance scorching through me.
"Why make me guess if your going to tell me anyway?" I question innocently as he chuckles deeply.

"If your not going to guess I'm not going to tell you" he's say before leaving the halls empty as his footsteps fade into nothingness.

The one I tried to save (Tom riddle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now