Thing in the window

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If you saw a chapter before this. No you did notttt

I go to bed that night confused and wanting answers. I shove the convers off me getting up silently carful to not wake up my roommate. Slipping on shoes I make my out to the headmasters office. I knew it would be empty, why would the headmaster be at his office last 2:30 in the morning?

I walk down the corridors my shoes clacking against the rocky floor, the sound echoing throughout the halls. I look out the window noticing how black it looks. I see a figure. Huh? It's in the distance, but looking at me. I stare afraid if I blink it might disappear. Who or what is it? I blink. It's gone. I stare outside confused and intrigued. I scream. It appeared infront of the window. My scream was high pitched and loud. Fuck that's horrifying. It's still infront of the glass pane.

It looks like it's made of sticks, moss and goat ish. It has a goat like demon mask. Like the things you see in movies. A blanket of moss and dirt is draped over its stick body. I start crying. It's stick hand scrapes over the window and shrieks. I scream. I blink. I cry.

I hear footsteps running down the hallways as I'm crouched like a ball down by the hallway wall on the other side facing the window, my head in between my legs as I rock back and forth, crying.

I debate on looking up to see if it's still there. I take a peak noticing it's in front of me. Not behind the thin pane of glass. Infront of me. I squeal crying as the running footsteps come closer. It reaches out to touch me.

I cry loudly as I feel someone sit next to me. I start shaking violently. "Sephora" the person says. I look up noticing the monster gone as I cry louder. I don't answer the person. Or should I say Tom? He puts his arm around me pulling me into him in a carful manner of comfort. I try to force myself to deny his act of comfort but I can't find myself to do so.

"Sh sh sh.." he hushes stroking my hair as I take an attempt to calm myself down. Shocking out sobs I cling onto the warm body of Tom, attempting to grasp the fact it's gone.

We stay like that until I fall asleep tear stains on my face


I wake up to the conform of his smell as I squirm around trying to find a comfortable spot. I don't know what time it is. All that I know it's morning, I can see the sun starting to rise. He's not here. I can't tell if I'm relieved or disappointed. His covers are so warm. Warmer than I would expect. The door opens. I slam my eyes shut and force myself to be still and compact.

I hear him chuck his want on his desk before pulling out his chair. Soon enough I hear the count of a paper and quill going at the paper.

Hm I wonder what would happen if I moved?

I purposely move to see what would happen. The quill stops. My breathing quickens slightly. The scraping on his chair thunders through my ears as I flinch to make it look like I'm sleeping. "Shit" I hear him whisper under his breath as he gets up walking towards me quietly, his shoes making the smallest of noise.

He sat next to me opening something. A quill starts again. Ahh so he's a writer? Interesting? "I know your awake Sephora don't pretend" he speaks out as I open my eyes sighing. "Was fun while it lasted" I mumble sitting up next to Tom.

"Why were you crying last night?" He jumps straight to the point turning his head to face me. I don't do the same though I keep my head straight, staring at the wall. I knew this question was coming. I want him to feel bad in some way.

I start crying. Fake crying of course. He takes me in his arms again Latin fly head on his lap as he begins to sift his fingers through my hair.

I soon find myself drifting off to sleep as I get lifted up in a bridal style hold as ur walked bme wherever. I don't care when I go. I just want him.

I sound so stupid..

The one I tried to save (Tom riddle fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now