C H A P T E R 11

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"Yoongi!!" I shouted from across the hallway with a huge smile on my face. Yoongi looked back and when we made eye contact, he broke out in the biggest gummy smile ever. He made huge steps over to me as I hugged him tight. He chuckled.

"I'm so happy for you, congratulations..." He said

My comeback's title-track song had been released just a day ago and it had already broken massive records. Yoongi had been gone since 2-3 weeks due to some work in the states. He got to know about it and he was so happy and supportive.

He was letting go of me as I held onto his neck harder, "stay, I missed you" I whispered. His grip on my waist got tighter.

"Let's go out for lunch hm? On me."

I giggled and nodded, parting away from the hug. He looked into my eyes with an unknown expression as I was hypnotized in his.

"I-I'll get my stuff, stay here and then we'll leave." He said, breaking the intense moment we were in. 

"Y-yeah, I'll drive today!" I uttered, and he nodded and went over to his dance practice room which was across my studio. I leaned onto the wall and started humming a song and fidgeting with my bag to pass my time. Suddenly I felt a presence in front of me as I looked up...Jess and Nateline. 

"Look who we have here, a slut isn't it?" Jess said, a bit loudly.

"What's your problem Jess?" I said not giving her any importance. 

"It's YOU who is the problem Ae-mi, firstly you probably bribed the authorities or something to debut because there is no way you are better than ME. Secondly, you seem to be having a lot of fun with Yoongi and Seok-jin oppa nowadays right?" Nateline said, making me scoff at her self-obsession.

"And what's that got to do with you huh!? Mind your own business-" I was cut off when I felt a sharp pain on my scalp when I realized Jess started pulling a chunk of my hair like a lunatic that she is.

"Don't you know how to keep shut!? STAY AWAY from Yoongi oppa, got that?" I hissed in pain when she pulled harder. Nateline stepped on my foot hardly with her pointy heels making me throw a glare at her. I was unable to do anything for a moment as anger began rising inside of me but before I could do anything, someone screamed, "Yah! What are you doing!?"

In an instant I was freed, I gave them a death glare and Yoongi came beside me, "What the hell were you doing!?"

The girls, flustered, kept their head low.

"Do you even understand what you are doing? Apart from being idols and behaving properly, is this the way to treat other people!?" He shouted.

"If I see you troubling her one more time, I will forget that you are women. And don't even get me started on your reputation as an idol." He said sternly as Jess looked up and pouted disgustingly, probably trying to act cute but was failing miserably. She whined, "But oppa~ She is not even that good looking, why can't you understand that she is not your standard. She is just with you for fame an trying to get you in be-"

A sound of a slap was echoed through the hallway. All eyes were on me, Jess held her right cheek, the one which I just slapped.

I had lost it, firstly they themselves come up to me, physically abuse me, and the frame me and expect me to stay quiet? What am I, a saint?

"How DARE YO-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" I shouted, "ARE YOU DONE WITH YOUR NONSENSE!? Don't you get tired of hurting other people for your own benefits? Even after the trainee days, now that you have debuted, show some maturity! Instead of starting over you are starting this rivalry? I can't with you."

I lastly kicked Nateline on her lower thigh making her groan, as I walked out of the building from the back exit and entered the car. Beside me sat Yoongi who took my hand in his and smiled while caressing my hair, "I'm proud of you, you did good...love."

STRINGS ~ "Can you give up your success for me?"Where stories live. Discover now