Injured and Alone

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"Hey! Get out of here you damned freak of nature! I'll kill you!" shouted a somewhat elderly woman with an old-looking pistol as you looked through her trash bin for something...anything to eat. 'Oh God! She has a gun!' you thought frantically as your ears and tail stood on end. You started running for your life, hearing gunshots from behind you. But just before you turned the corner to get out of the small property and back to the busy street, you felt a sharp pain in your side, but you kept running. You shifted to your full cat form, and tried to get as far away as you could from any human in sight. But you soon realized that being as far away as you could from the city and towns of humans, also meant traveling through the countryside...where you were all alone...with no one to help you...

After about an hour and a half of walking (you stopped a few times to rest along the way, of course), you came upon a random, but very large house. You then painfully slinked through the bars of the large, metal gate which lead to the house. "I've never seen a house this big" you mumbled to yourself.

You climbed up into a tree, which gave you easy access to the roof. As you were laying there, you began to feel the pain again. As you cried from the pain, you silently prayed that the owner of the large house wouldn't hear or see you. You quickly morphed back into your half-human form (you are a neko) to look at your wound. "God this hurts!" you whimpered tearfully (you were twice as sensitive to pain as a normal human), tearing off a strip of your shirt and placing it onto said wound, trying to stop some of the bleeding. You tried to keep from throwing up, for you've had nothing to eat in about two days. "That damn hag! Shooting at me! It was garbage for God's sake! She didn't want anything in it, so why protect it?!" you ranted, trying to keep your mind off the pain.

After about fifteen minutes, the blood had stopped flowing from your body. You felt very lightheaded and ill. You then felt the wind pick up speed and heard the sound of thunder, though it was a few miles away, it was getting dark and you started to freak out. "I'm going to die...I just know it..." you whimpered, struggling to get down from the roof without falling. But just as you stepped onto a tree branch, it snapped, sending you falling to the hard ground. You screamed in pain, beginning to cough up blood.

The storm arrived sooner than you thought, and it began to poor. You tried to sit up, but that just worsened the pain. You heard footsteps, and looked towards the noise, fearing what the thing walking towards you would do to you. All you saw was a tall figure in black, his golden eyes burning into you as he looked down at your pathetic state. "P- please...d- don *coughs up blood* don't hurt me...if you're going to kill me, please just make it quick and painless" you begged, cowering with soaked clothes and tears flowing down your face.

The figure gave no expression, he simply picked you up and began walking towards the front door. You shivered, from fear and the cold of the wind around you, "P- please...just end it now if you are going to! I don't want to suffer anymore pain!" you cried, struggling, even though it caused your wound to bleed again. "Hush now. I'm not going to kill you" was all he said as he opened the large double-doors and entered the house. You looked at your surroundings, everything was extravagant and looked very expensive. You felt a strand of hope, but you knew it was too good to last long.

As the heat of the interior of the house surrounded you, your body gave out and you fell unconscious. You were still afraid as to what the black cladded man was going to do to you...since he said he wouldn't kill you.

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