The Story, Continued

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Holy shit! It's been so long since I've edited this story! I will try to make this a good chapter! *salutes*


'Master...he's so kind to me. Why did he leave me with this boy though? Is he important to Master?' I thought as we got to the garden.

I looked around, hoping to see my master somewhere, but there was no sign of him. I then heard a rustling in the trees, from which jumped out several strange-looking people, although one of them looked a little like my master. I hissed at them in defense. "Lily! You are here!" a blonde boy squeaked from the arms of the man who looked like my master. "How do you know me?! Why are you here?!" I growled. They looked at me in confusion. "You're coming home, Lily!" the blonde boy declared as he ran up to me with a stern look. "Back off!" I exclaimed as I scratched at him with my claws. The man who was until recently holding the boy caught my arm before I could make contact. "Get away from her, Alois!" the bluenette who had followed me to the garden shouted. "Shut the hell up, Ciel! And get her, Claude!" the boy ordered his butler as he pointed to me. "Let me go you bastard!" I hissed as I thrashed around, scratching the face of the man who held my arm captive. He let out a small sound of pain, but kept his tight grip on my arm. "Lily!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Master! Help me!" I begged the raven haired man who ran to my aid. "Master?!" I heard everyone exclaim.

Master punched the man holding my arm square in the face, making him let go of me. I ran into Master's arms for safety. "What is she taking about, Sebastian?!" the bluenette known as 'Ciel' snapped. "Damn..." my master muttered angry. "D- did I do something wrong?" I whimpered softly as I looked at the people around me. "No, you didn't do anything, Lily, this is Sebastian's fault" Ciel growled as he told me. "I order you to tell me what you did to her!" the boy commanded. Master clicked his tongue and tightened his hold on me. "I- I used persuade her obedience" he admitted. "Substance?" I repeated. "Er...yes..." the man mumbled. "So you drugged her!" I heard the blonde boy known as 'Alois' exclaim in fury. Master only glared daggers at the boy, but I could see in his eyes that the accusation was correct. "Y- you drugged me?" I questioned as I pulled away slightly. "Yes..." he sighed with slight irritation. "What drug was it, Sebastian?" the woman in the stranger's group inquired. "It was a drug called 'Karifeomine'..." he replied somewhat under his breath. "Karifeomine?! Do you have any idea what kind of effects that drug can have to animals?!" the woman shouted with panic in her voice. "No...what are these effects?" Sebastian, the man who I once knew as my "Master" asked curiously. "It could make them completely insane and even rabid! She could even die at a certain dosage!" the woman said. "Can't you see it?! Her eyes are already glossy and she's becoming increasingly aggressive" she continued. The man looked down at me with worry.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn it, Lau! Why didn't you tell me?!" he growled angrily. "You got it from Lau?!" Ciel repeated in rage. "We have to get to him to know the dosage he gave you! It might not be too late!" the woman rushed everyone else. "Alright! Let's go!" Sebastian with agreed with urgency. He went to pick me up, but was beaten to the pitch by the woman. "I'll carry her" she announced as she gently picked me up and held me, kind if like a mother would their child. "Very well" Sebastian sighed as he picked up Ciel. "What's your name?" I asked the woman holding me curiously. "My name is Hannah" she replied with a smile. "Hannah...I like that name" I said as I returned the smile. We then took off, towards 'Lau'.

____________________________________ long has it been since the last update? I know this chapter is a bit short, but I got inspiration and wanted to write it down as soon as possible. I hope it's okay.

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