The New Maid and the Triplets

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I followed Hannah though the halls, heading towards the servants' quarters. "This is were we retire at the end of the day, though you probably won't see us in here much" said Hannah. "'We'? Oh, right! I forgot about Mr. Claude. I can be a bit forgetful sometimes...hehe" I stated. "Actually, there are three other servants here" the maid explained as she then lead me to the huge dining room. My jaw dropped at the extravagant sight before me, "Woah! It's so beautiful in here! I exclaimed. Hannah let out a small giggle at my reaction.

I looked over at her, "Miss Hannah, have you ever noticed how Mr. Claude has a different scent than that of a normal human? I didn't want to ask him about it, because I thought he would be offended. Maybe it was something he was wearing, but I have a feeling that he's not quite...normal" I pondered. "A different scent?" Hannah inquired. "Yes...and the same kind of difference from a human's scent lingers on you as well. But, yours is more...light. Mr. Claude's scent is a bit thicker, as if it was a sign of dominance" I kept talking, Hannah seemed to be paying close attention to what I said. "What do you smell on the young master, Lily?" she asked. "He's definitely human...but he has the very slightest hint of Mr. Claude on him. It's as if the young master has been perminantly bonded with him. It kind of reminded me of how an owner's scent eventually rubs off onto their pet...only Mr. Claude is the owner, and the young master is his pet..." I finished.

"That is a very interesting theory Lily, but I believe it is best not to test it. You are very intelligent, and have strong senses, but remember; curiosity killed the cat" she advised. "Please do not ever say that again" I growled. "Why not?" she asked. "My father was an unofficial detective. He was a recessive-neko, which means he was born looking like a human, so he was able to blend in more than a lot of other nekos. But one day, when he got home from tracking his suspect, a group of mobsters attacked him. When my mother and I got home, we saw his beaten and shot corpse sprawled on the living room floor" I began to tear up, "And, right next to him, laid a bloodstained note that read; 'He should have kept his nose out of other peoples' business. But you know how the saying goes; curiosity killed the cat' " I began bawling my eyes out, remembering that horrible night.

Hannah ran to my side and held me like a mother would her child. "Oh, Lily, I'm so sorry. I never meant to upset you" she apologized. "Leave me alone!" I hissed, ears back, tail flicking, and fangs bared. Hannah gasped and quickly backed away, accidentally falling. I stood over her, my bi-colored irises glowing and pupils now in slits...Hannah looked frightened . As I glared at the maid, I might as well have looked straight into her soul...only, it was as if she had no such she was a hollow shell. Out of nowhere, I was tackled to the ground by a young man with plum-colored hair, that was parted on both sides of his forehead, leaving his bangs to fall straight down the middle. He held me down by my throat, but I unsheathed my claws and scratched his arm, leaving a large gash. He yelped in pain and backed away a little, holding his heavily bleeding arm. "What the Hell! What have I ever done to you to make you attack me?!" I hissed.

I then looked over to where Hannah was, and I saw two young men who looked exactly the same as the one I had just injured...well other than the bangs. I walked over to them and unconsciously sniffed, picking up their scent. "They have an even lighter scent" I thought out loud. Everyone looked at me, and I covered my mouth, not meaning to comment on it. The now somehow uninjured triplet walked over to where the others were. They began whispering...but I could hear them.

Man with bangs parted to the left: "It has cat features"

Right part: "It's called a neko"

Middle part: "That explains the claws"

Left part: "It looked like a deep wound"

Right part: "And quite painful"

Middle part: "It wasn't that bad"

Right part: "Then why did you cry in pain?"

Left part: "It looked genuine to me"

Middle part: "Let's drop it for now"

Left part: "Fine"

Right part: "Whatever"

Middle part: "I wonder why Miss Hannah looked so frightened by it".

"I can hear you, you know..." I sighed. "And I am not an 'it' " I growled. They all looked at me in shock. "No one is usually able to hear them" Hannah explained with a small giggle at the triplets' reaction. "I see" I said as I walked closer, re-sheathng my claws. "What are your names?" I asked curiously. "Timber" replied the triplet with the hair parted to the right. "Thompson" answered the triplet with the hair parted in the middle. "Canterbury" said the final triplet, who's hair was parted to the left. "It's nice to meet you" I said. I then looked at Thompson, "Though I wish that I wasn't greeted by one of you with an attack and slight bloodshed" I growled before sighing. "And it's no use in whispering around me guys, so you might as well just talk at your normal volume" I smirked with a giggle.

Canterbury: "What is your name?"

Thompson: "You seem like a good person"

Timber: "Except the little incident with Thompson" **chuckles**

Me: "My name is Lily. I was just given that name by the young master"

Canterbury: "The young master renamed you?"

Thompson: "I didn't think that he could rename people who already had names"

Timber: "But you do work for him now, so I guess he has the power to do anything he wants"

Me: "I didn't have a name before I came here, so the one I have now is nice"

Canterbury: "A person without a name?"

Thompson: "That's quite strange"

Timber: "Lily is a pretty name"

Canterbury: "That's true"

Thompson: "Very pretty"

Timber: "The master finally had a good idea"

**We all laughed a little**

Me: "Aw, thanks guys. I like your names as well" **bright smile, tail stiffening happily**

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