You Are Staying Here

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Sebastian was intently looking at me as I chuckled along with the triplets. So I raised my eyebrow area as if to say 'Uhh, can I help you?' sarcastically. His eyes widened at how I had noticed his staring and then quickly turned his gaze away. "What a creep" I mumbled a bit annoyedly.

Canterbury: "That's the Phantomhive butler"

Thompson: "Sebastian Michaelis"

Timber: "He's a demon like us"

"I know he's a demon...his scent says it all" I said. The triplets looked at me questioningly. "I don't mean that it's a bad smell on any of you guys, or Hannah, or's just that his scent somewhat irritating to my nose" I explained. They then nodded in understanding. 'I should probably start investigating was what I was ordered to do...' I thought to myself with a sigh. But when I looked back at where the three men were standing, they weren't there. 'Claude must have taken them to the drawing room' I thought as I sniffed the air and caught their scent.

Once I got to the drawing room, I meowed and scratched lightly at the door. I didn't have to wait long before Claude opened the door. I looked around the room and saw my young master playing a game of chess with the Phantomhive boy. 'His Highness is sure to win' I thought with a smirk as I watched them for about a minute or two. I then looked at the butlers at the side of the room and walked over to them. I mewed to get their attention...which wasn't hard at all. Especially for Sebastian, for he apparently 'loves cats'...or so he says.

When he bent down to my level of hight, he picked me up...which I let him do this time. 'Urg! I hate this demon!...but it's His Highness' orders, so I guess I just have to grin and bare it' I thought irritatedly. The butler then began to pet me. 'Hmm...He's got soft and gentle hands though' I thought and started unconsciously purring with my eyes closed. But when I opened them, I saw everyone else in the room giving us irritated and disapproving stares...though they felt more like glares. I got one especially sinister glare from my young master. "Oh god! That glare! I'm definitely getting punished when these guys leave!" I thought frantically as I leaped out of Sebastian's arms and ran to the door. "You're not going anywhere, Lily" His Highness declared. I stopped dead in my tracks and gulped nervously. "Come here!" he ordered, pointing to the spot on the floor beside him. I nodded and then turned around. My ears were down, and my tail was between my back legs as I padded over to him.

I layed down in said spot, keeping my gaze on the floor as I listened to the chess game. I then got a great idea. I meowed to get His Highness' attention. Once I did, I flicked my paw over my ear as if to say 'I need to tell you something'. He picked me up by the scruff of my neck and then sat me on the arm of the small couch he was sitting on. I held back a whimper of pain by the way he picked me up, for I wasn't a kitten, so I had less skin to hold on the back of my neck. He then leaned over to me so that I could whisper in his ear. "Your Highness, if you want, I can help you win this game against the Phantomhive boy" I offered. He smirked and nodded, before setting me on the top of the couch, close to his ear so that he could easily hear me.

After about half an hour, His Highness had the Phantomhive's king piece cornered, and there was nothing he could do but accept defeat...which he did not take to easily, for he got extremely irritated and started yelling, hurting my ears. "You have to have cheated somehow!" he shouted. He then looked at me and he glared, "It was that cat! She's the one who helped you win!" he accused me and my master, obviously pissed off. I tried to hold back a smirk of amusement, but ultimately failed. "That's impossible Ciel, you and I both know that cat's can't talk, let alone give strategic advice in a game of chess" he said, sounding a bit smug as his lips curled into the same smirk of amusement. 'I'm sure that His Highness will be pleased with this" I thought. "Your Highness, may I be excused for a few moments?" I asked in a whisper. "Yes, but you better be back in here within ten minutes, or you will be punished" he replied in whisper. "Claude, let Lily out" he commanded as I approached the door. "Yes, your Highness" he said obediently with a small bow as he opened the door, letting me exit the room.

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