The Scent of Demons

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Hey you smell a difference between the servants here and the young master?" "What do you mean, Lily?" they all inqired at once. "'s like you're not even part of the same species..." I replied. The three looked at each other, and then back at Hannah. The maid sighed and nodded.

Canterbury: "You have an impressive sense of smell, Lily"

Thompson: "You are right about the differences between the species of us and the young master"

Timber: "We're not humans"

Me: "Th- then what are you?"

All three: "Demons"

I was a little taken aback. "But I thought demons were only in Hell" I mumbled a little. 'Does that mean that Claude is the dominant demon? He seems to have the strongest an alpha in the animal world'. The triplets looked at me, a questioning look on their faces. "As you probably all know by now, I am not a human either. I am a neko, which is a shape-shifting creature that takes the form of a cat, and, to some extent, a human" I explained.

Thompson: "You definitely have the defense mechanisms of a cat"

Timber: "And of course the cat-like features"

Canterbury: "They look nice on you"

Me: "Th- thanks Canterbury" **blush**

Canterbury covered his mouth and blushed. The other two looked at him with slight annoyance. I smiled at the three and then at Hannah. 'They all seem so nice...I wonder what Claude and the young master are like' I thought to myself. "Hey guys...what is the young master's name? He never told me. The only name that I've ever heard him be called was 'the young master'..." I inquired.

Timber: "His name is Alois Trancy"

Canterbury: "But he likes to be addressed as 'his Highness'"

Thompson: "A bit of a...-"

"A bit of a what, Timber? Do finish your comment" the blonde in discussion said as he walked towards all of us with a sadistic smirk. 'He does know that he's talking to Thompson, right? It's quite easy to tell them apart...each of them have their hair parted differently...' I thought, watching the boy approach. "Um, your Highness?" I noted. "What is it?" he asked, sounding a bit angry. "I- I just wanted to tell you that-" Thompson looked at me with a 'please-don't-say-anything' look. "Tell me what, Lily?" he questioned irritably, narrowing his eyes. " that I have the greatest of thanks to give you f- for saving my life" I stuttered a little as I bowed slightly. "Aww, don't mention it! I couldn't just let someone die on my property without a reason for me to be upset with them!" he smiled brightly. 'This kid is the very definition of bipolar...I pray to God that I never have to experience what happens when he's in a bad mood...' I thought nervously, though I put on a smile. "You are very kind, your Highness" I stated.

My ears picked up the sound of footsteps, and my nose the scent of the one person in the manor, other than His Highness, that I was now wary of. 'Claude...' I thought to myself. 'I need to find out more about him...and His Highness' I decided, unaware that I was being spoken to...until my tail was stomped on. "AHH!" I shouted in pain. I looked behind me, where my tail is, and I saw His Highness' foot firmly crushing my tail. "AHHH! My tail!" I cried in agony. "You should pay attention when you are being talked to!" the blode yelled at me, getting off of my tail, but he then smacked me in the face, knocking me down to the floor, and then kicked me in the stomach and the ribs while I was down. I couldn't stop crying and writhing in what was twice as much pain as a normal human would be feeling. "STOP! PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!" I screamed, cowering from the rage of the young master. "And why should I? I am your master! That means I can do whatever I please!" he stated before kicking me in the face, knocking me unconscious. 'I think he broke my jaw, and quite a few of my ribs...I can't even move...Everything hurts...every bone, every nerve, every inch of skin, every strand of hair...feels unexplainably painful' I thought weakly, trying to remember how to breathe.

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