chapter four. . . safe and sound

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TW: mentions of SA towards the end.

SNEAKING MAUDE IVORY IN SO SHE COULD WATCH LUCY GRAY'S INTERVIEW WAS EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Thalia had never been good at planning or organising, so it was a miracle when she convinced her parents and sisters to spend the night at the hob and watch the interview from there. She claimed that she just needed to be by herself for a couple of hours; they respected her wish, appreciating how hard this all had to be for her.

It was obvious that Thalia was going to invite Maude Ivory over; they had always gotten on like a house on fire. While the two girls were quite opposite—in fact, Thalia related to Barb Azure more than Lucy Gray or Maude Ivory—they were very close. Thalia supposed, that in her own way, she was close to every member of the covey; treating them like family. She and Barb Azure would always bond over crafting jewellery together—which would always end up being gifted to Barb's girl. Tam Amber, while typically soft-spoken and quiet, was fond of the girl and would always be happy to show her a new piece he was working on. Clerk Carmine, or CC, as everyone called him, fawned over her—sticking to Thalia like a lost little puppy. He'd ask her all kinds of questions—she'd answer dutifully and to the best of her knowledge. The only covey member she didn't get on with was Billy Taupe—but he wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Maude Ivory always loved Thalia because she was one of the only genuine people in twelve. Thalia would do anything for the covey, especially Lucy Gray, and would always tell the truth. While Maude Ivory had spent most of her life sheltered by her older cousins—whether they meant to or not—Thalia's honesty was a breath of fresh air. She could see straight through Thalia—whether the baker realised it or not—and easily saw the massive crush that she had on her cousin. She was also the only person who knew that Lucy Gray secretly felt the exact same way.

Thalia had invited the rest of the covey to watch the interview, but they would be at the Hob performing. It hurt Thalia to think of how miserable it would be without their lead singer, but she quickly picked herself up as she remembered her wish to the star, foolishly hoping that the superstition was real.

A knock at the door snapped Thalia out of her daydreams, bringing her back to reality. She got up to answer it, almost being knocked down by Maude Ivory. "Woah, slow down there. Almost lost my balance," she teased, hugging the younger girl back. "Come on, TV's on in the living room," she held Maude Ivory's hand, leading her to where she gestured.

"I waited ten minutes after they left, like you said. They didn't see me," Maude Ivory promised, sitting down on the couch next to Thalia. She flicked the TV on, eagerly anticipating the interview while the news finished up. "I don't understand why you have to hide me," Thalia sighed, placing the remote on the table.

"I told you. Ma and Pa don't like me hangin' round the covey anymore," she explained, running her hand through Maude Ivory's golden curls.

The young girl was about to protest when the news story changed. It was the same man from a few days before, Thalia noted, so she knew it had something to do with the Hunger Games. "Well, after the tragedies that occurred this week at the hands of rebels, we have some good news. Everyone's been waiting for this since it was announced a few days ago, we will be interviewing the remaining tributes," Thalia's heart raced as her mind cluttered with dark thoughts. What did he mean by 'remaining tributes'? Is Lucy Gray one of them? Oh please don't be dead.

Maude Ivory placed a reassuring hand on Thalia's arms, "My cousins a fighter," she assured, before turning to face the TV again.

The two blondes chatted and gossiped about any news in district twelve, while all the other tributes gave their interviews. They only stopped once they saw the familiar face of the girl they loved, standing on stage with a guitar in her hand. Once Lucy Gray was introduced, the crowd gave her a lively welcome, keenly interested in her since the reaping. Her smile wavered slightly, and she looked distressed, her dress tattered and worn—completely different to how it looked when Thalia saw her last.

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