chapter eight. . . last week of peace

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"PLEASE DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE BRINGING THAT PEACEKEEPER ALONG AS WELL," THALIA ASKED, A SCOWL ON HER FACE. Thalia began packing the basket full of baked goods, Shamus' cheese and butter as well as fruit she'd bought at the markets. Lucy Gray wanted today's lake day to be extra special, which had stumped Thalia at first, but now she quickly worked out why.

Lucy Gray rolled her eyes, laughing at her friends' question. "You know his name's Coriolanus, and yes, he is," she replied, passing Thalia the items and watching her reaction as she packed. Her heart fluttered at the blonde's angry pout—could Thalia be jealous of Coriolanus? Lucy Gray shook the thought from her head, it wasn't any good to think like this.

"He doesn't give me good vibes, and you know how well I can read people," Thalia retorted, pulling the red cloth over the food and tucking it into the sides. She purposefully avoided Lucy Gray's teasing look, trying to stop the blush creeping up her cheeks.

Lucy Gray sighed, placing her hands on Thalia's shoulders, forcing the blonde to look at her. "Thalia, you know you're still my best friend. I'm not gonna stop hangin' out with you to start with him, I pinkie swear," she promised, holding her tiny finger out. Thalia bit her bottom lip to conceal her smile, nodding, and taking Lucy Gray's pinkie with her own.

A knock on the door alerted the covey to someone else's presence. Maude Ivory ran to answer it, smiling widely at the figure in the door. "Lucy Gray, he's here!" she called out, rushing to get her older cousin. Coriolanus leant against the doorframe, his eyes on Lucy Gray as she left Thalia's side to say hello. She got up on her tippy toes to kiss him; Thalia looked away, trying to ignore how her stomach was curdling.

The group hiked to the lake for a couple of hours, Maude Ivory and Lucy Gray were giggling and sharing looks whenever Coriolanus glanced their way. Thalia was talking to Tam Amber—well more like begging for a joint. Clerk Carmine mostly stayed quiet, missing his older brother.

Once they finally reached the lake, Thalia set the picnic basket down where she usually did. Maude Ivory and CC took off their clothes and ran into the lake, divebombing at the end of the pier. Lucy Gray threw her dress without a care in the world and walked down the pier backwards—she was more interested in Coriolanus, who was taking his clothes off in a hurry to join her.

Thalia paused, realising that Lucy Gray would mostly be preoccupied with the peacekeeper, that she'd be swimming by herself all day. Even when she was dating Billy Taupe, Lucy Gray mostly clung to Thalia's side, but now? The blonde groaned, taking her clothes off and walking halfway down the pier. She stopped at sat on the side, dipping her feet in the lake when all of a sudden two pairs of hands grabbed onto her calves and pulled her into the water. She screamed before her lungs filled with water. She surfaced, choking as Maude Ivory and CC giggled, swimming away from her. "I'm so gonna get you!" she cried, swimming after them.

Lucy Gray watched the interaction with a smile on her face—it was always so endearing how Thalia would play with the younger covey members. They were often overlooked, or left to their own devices—which Lucy Gray obviously felt a little guilty about—but Thalia always made sure that they were included.

Coriolanus, noticing who was taking up most of Lucy Gray's attention, grabbed onto her waist, and pulled her close, causing her to erupt into laughter. He gloated as she turned to face him. Lucy Gray was his. No one else. He'd seen the way Thalia had watched Lucy Gray at the Hob the other week. He knew that look anywhere because that's how he looked at his girl. Every time he saw Thalia near Lucy Gray his stomach writhed with jealousy. No, he couldn't let Thalia steal Lucy Gray from him. He just wouldn't let it happen. Thalia was a poor, stupid district girl and Lucy Gray—well she was hardly district. She was quite possibly just as Capitol as he was—and that wasn't just something he told all the other Capitol members to garner more support for her. He truly believed it.

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