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"I once believed, love would be: burning red

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"I once believed, love would be: burning red. But it's golden. Like daylight. Like daylight." Lucy Gray sang, strumming the guitar softly. She looked up and saw Thalia walking towards her, a wide smile on her face.

The blonde sat next to her, resting her head on the brunette's shoulder. the two of them enjoyed the sound of the mockingjays copying the tune, as the water lapped the grass. the sun was setting below the treeline, as the bracing breeze swept through the trees. "I love you," Thalia whispered.

"I love you too. more than anyone and anything." Lucy Gray promised.

Thalia quirked an eyebrow, "Even more than. . .?" she nodded to the cabin. Lucy Gray let out an enchanting laugh.

"she comes close," she teased. Lucy Gray brushed a strand of hair out of Thalia's eyes, tucking it behind her ear. She pressed her lips on Thalia's, as they shared a soft and sweet kiss.

They were interrupted by the sound of a squealing toddler, sprinting straight for them—or the lake, neither of them was sure. the two women laughed, watching as the smile widened on the little girl's face before she was swept up in Thalia's embrace. Lucy Gray rested a hand on Thalia's bicep, rubbing their daughter's back.

"Now, Sophia Lavender, tell Mama what you said before," Thalia whispered, lucy gray's eyes widened, as she gave Thalia a questioning gaze.

"I wove you!" she exclaimed, wrapping her tiny toddler arms around Lucy Gray's neck. The two mothers burst into laughter as Thalia praised her daughter.

"I love you too, bug," she replied, kissing the top of her nose.

Lucy Gray leant her head against Thalia, smiling at Sophia Lavender. She didn't know how she ended up so lucky. How she'd won the Hunger Games, outrun Coriolanus and finally admitted her feelings to her best friend, but now that she had her beautiful little life, she wouldn't trade anything for it. She deserved it after all. After everything she'd been put through, it seemed only fair she lived the life of a victor.

a/n: and that's the end of daylight!! thank you so much for reading this far and joining me on this journey, exploring thalia and lucy gray's relationship. they are so precious to me and I hope you loved them and their story just like I did. I also hope you loved the ending, I know how awful it can be when a writer pulls out a pregnancy storyline, but I just figured, if katniss and peeta get to live the life of a victor, so does lucy gray and her family. there's also another reason I ended it with the two girls having a baby. . .

its not quite the end of lucy gray and thalia's story just yet. there is a sequel in place (surprise 🫢) about a certain granddaughter of a certain couple. . . so stay tuned for the sequel, and hopefully, if you enjoyed this one you'll enjoy the next one just as much.

once again, thank you for your comments, votes and views—i really do appreciate everything you guys do. until next time <333

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