chapter seven. . . brilliant, kindhearted, tortured sejanus plinth

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THALIA KNEW HOW FURIOUS HER PARENTS AND SISTERS WOULD BE ONCE SHE GOT HOME. She hadn't planned on losing track of time at the lake and sleeping over—especially since her family didn't know she was spending time with the covey—would be hard to explain to them. She already scrambled with an excuse when she'd slept over the first time; claiming she slept over at Amara Hoff's—even if the girls were only classmates, not friends. She could always use the same excuse, although her parents would grow suspicious.

This didn't stop her from sharing breakfast with the covey, however. They brainstormed a better excuse for her but ultimately agreed that Amara would be the best option. Thalia reminded herself to ask the girl to cover for her.

Before Thalia left, Lucy Gray told her that the covey would be performing at the Hob that evening, promising a lively show—it was her first time singing live in twelve since the reaping.

Thalia had promised Lucy Gray that she'd come and watch her perform, but Dorcas also planned on keeping her promise, which made any plans to go to the Hob that night nearly impossible. Thalia knew the only way she'd get out of the house was if her older sister fell asleep, but it was highly unlikely she'd be willing to go to bed before midnight. If Thalia wanted to watch Lucy Gray's first performance since being back, she would have to convince Dorcas to let her go. . . or drug her—that wasn't an option, she didn't even know why she thought it was. So, convincing her it was.

The lie slipped off her tongue rather quickly, having practised what she'd say the entire trip back to her home. Her parents lectured her for a while, demanding she tell them before something like that happens again, before sending her off to her chores. Dorcas wasn't convinced, however, seeing straight through her younger sister.

Thalia heaved the bag over her shoulder, wincing as she knew she'd grow to regret this way of carrying them inside in the future. She didn't notice her sister's looming presence. "You talk to Amara lots after school, huh?"

Thalia shrugged sheepishly, "We wanted to hang out more," she replied, using the bag to cover her face and cheeks deepening red.

"Oddly coincidental that you and Amara are hangin' out now that Lucy Gray's back," Dorcas quipped, crossing her arms across her chest.

Thalia turned to face her, an admirable gesture considering how the flour bags were weighing her down. "What are you gettin' at?" she asked, trying to feign innocence as best as possible.

Dorcas held the door open for Thalia, before replying, "Nothin' yet. I'll be in our room if you need me, Dawn's asked for homework help," Thalia's eyes didn't leave her sister as she walked off. When the door finally closed, she cursed at her own stupidity. Of course, her sister knew what was up.

The flour bags fell to the floor with a dull thud. Millions of thoughts were racing through her head. Did she bother hiding it from her sister? Did Dorcas really care? She'd always loved Lucy Gray, but would she help hide their friendship from their parents? Would her sister let her go to the Hob if she knew it was to see Lucy Gray? Would Dorcas let her go to the Hob, period?

She sighed, opening the bedroom door hesitantly; Dorcas and Dawn looked up at her curiously. "Dawnie, need to talk to Cas," she stated, the brunette stared at her blankly. "Privately," she added, eliciting a groan as her younger sister reluctantly got up, slamming her homework book on the bed angrily. Dawn shouldered her lightly as she left, soft enough to not hurt but hard enough to be purposeful.

"What's wrong?" Dorcas asked, a smirk slowly forming. She wondered if her sister was here to beg her to keep where she really was a secret from their parents. Turn a blind eye to her and Lucy Gray hanging out. She didn't expect what Thalia was about to ask.

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