chapter one. . . god damn billy taupe

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THE CROWD STOMPED THEIR FEET IN TIME, DANCING ALONG TO THE SOUND OF THE COVEY. Thalia stared in awe as her best friend twirled around on the stage, a wide smile on her face as she sang and strummed her guitar. Thalia couldn't help but admire the singer—the way her skirt swished as she danced, the way her hair cascaded down her back and the absolute joy she exuded while performing. Lucy Gray Baird wasn't just a performer, she was a powerhouse.

Thalia ignored the way her heart sank whenever her best friend snuck secret glances at her boyfriend, Billy Taupe. Instead, she continued cheering on her best friend—even earning a kiss blown at her when the instrumental came up. A light blush crept up on her face.

A pane of fear struck Thalia when she saw Billy's eyes widen—she wondered if he'd somehow managed to catch on to her secret crush on Lucy Gray even though he was on the stage. Was it that obvious?

It wasn't until she turned around that Thalia realised what he was looking at. Mayfair Lip. Before Thalia had time to wonder what the mayor's daughter was doing at the hobby, she watched as the redhead spun around, feeling the music and dancing along to the covey. She laughed, slightly intoxicated from the grog she managed to score by flirting with a peacekeeper. She knew what either of her sisters would say if they found out, but she couldn't care less.

As the noise calmed down and the covey stopped playing, Lucy Gray approached the microphone again. "Well now, folks. I think that's it for tonight," Lucy Gray announced, eliciting groans and complaints from everyone in the Hob. Her gorgeous laughter echoed throughout the room, as she apologised and bid everyone goodnight, making Thalia's heart swell. Billy wrapped his arms around Lucy Gray, as she leaned her head on his shoulder, and they went to the other room.

She waited patiently while the covey went backstage to pack up, noticing how Mayfair's mood had soured. She'd offer her some grog. . . if Mayfair was likeable. Taking another large sip from the bottle, Thalia carefully eyed the back door, anticipating Lucy Gray would walk out any minute now when she saw Mayfair storm off in the direction the covey had gone. Groaning, she knew that couldn't mean anything good, and quickly followed the mayor's daughter.

The door swung open harshly, catching everyone inside off guard. Mayfair stood in the doorway, fuming. Everyone else glanced around awkwardly, trying to work out what was going on. Only Billy Taupe had a look of mortification on his face as he let go of Lucy Gray. "What's goin' on?" Maude Ivory asked, glancing at the adults and then back at the redhead.

Mayfair approached him heatedly. Thalia snuck into the room, quickly making her way to Lucy Gray; the singer had frozen as if the scene was playing out in her head before it actually did. Mayfair pointed a finger at him, "You promised," she snapped, jabbing him in the chest, "You promised that you two'd broken up," there was a gasp that came from where Barb Azure and Maude Ivory were standing, but Thalia couldn't work out who it came from.

His eyes widened even more than before as he looked between Mayfair and Lucy Gray desperately. "N-now hold on, let me explain—" Billy Taupe began, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Explain what?" Lucy Gray sputtered, her eyes tearing up.

"Lucy Gray," he begged, a look of shame adorned his face, as he reached for her. She backed up into Thalia, who instinctively put her arms around her best friend. Lucy Gray glanced at her, and Thalia could see the devastation in her eyes. It made her want to rip her eyeballs out as she never wanted to see such a sight again. Her glare landed on Billy Taupe as he tried once again to touch Lucy Gray; shielding her from his grasp, Thalia stepped in front of her and let the singer hide behind her back.

"Back off, Billy Taupe," she hissed.

He slapped her in the face, causing more gasps. "Get your nose out from where it don't belong, baker's girl," he spat. She held a hand up to where the stinging red mark was left, frozen in shock. Billy Taupe had been mean to her—sure—but he'd never been violent. Lucy Gray was by Thalia's side in seconds, gently caressing the mark. She glowered at Billy Taupe. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do—"

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