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"...Quinn?" Elijah said her name with disbelief. He really couldn't believe his own girlfriend, the girl he loved so much was the killer. He never knew how many times his heart could break. It was as if Quinn grabbed his heart and threw it against a wall just to watch it shatter.

"Hey, roomies," Quinn greeted sweetly to Sam and Tara then she looked at her boyfriend with the smile still on her face. "Hey, sweetie."

There was something in Quinn's eyes that Elijah couldn't quite read. It was a mix of determination and something else, something darker. He couldn't tell if it was anger, resentment, or just plain old insanity. But one thing was for sure, she meant business.

Maybe there was a brief flicker of the old Quinn that he knew. A glimpse of the girl who used to laugh at his jokes, who would sit with him during lunch, who would listen to him talk about his dreams of becoming a detective just like his father. But it was quickly replaced by the cold, calculating killer that she had become.

Elijah had never felt so heartbroken and betrayed like this before. All he could stare and focus on was Quinn. His girlfriend. He thought he knew her, but he got fooled.

"Didn't see that one coming, did you?" Quinn asked them.

"I thought you were still at the hospital." Elijah remembered. He was very confused.

"They let me out. The hospital trip was a good way to get me off the suspect list. Stab Gale Weathers and her annoying daughter. Stab Mindy on the train. That sort of thing." Quinn explained.

"It was you on the train?" Elijah realized in shock. He definitely didn't expect that.

"Mmhm," She hummed in approval. "I didn't know how you got split up because you weren't supposed to be there, but you put up a good fight, Eli. It's not like I was going to hurt you. I was doing everything I could to protect you."

"That's right," Oliver confirmed with a nodding of his head. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to kill you, but if Quinn here didn't pathetically fall in love with you, you would've been dead by now. I almost could've killed you at the apartment, I wish I did, but Quinn just had to hold me back," He sneered with disgust as if that annoyed him. "She made me promise that you wouldn't die. She would kill me if I did."

"So, why keep me alive at all and betray me like this?" Elijah asked, looking at Quinn. "Is it because that you wanted to kill me or something?"

"No, Eli, I don't want to kill you," Quinn shook her head, making him more confused. "I wanted to protect you."

"Protect me? From who? Them?" Elijah gestured to her father, brother, and Oliver.

"Not just them, but from those two you're standing with right now." He noticed that Ethan's smile got wider as Quinn was explaining. Ethan and Gabrielle shared identical and crazed grins at each other.

Elijah turned his head to the Carpenter sisters and the girls looked at him with the same expression.

"Why do you want to protect me from them?" He asked as if she was crazy. "What did they do?"

"You're seriously asking that question?" Quinn scoffed. "Sam ruins everything she touches. If it wasn't for her, your mother wouldn't have had to risk her life back in Woodsboro. Tara wouldn't have gotten attacked and Dewey wouldn't die. Everything always points to Sam, Eli. She brings nothing but trouble for you."

"And Tara, she's just a shadow of her former self. You know she used to be so strong, so independent. Now she's just a mess, following in Sam's footsteps after everything that happened. They're all just a bunch of losers, and you, you deserve better." Quinn's words cut deep into Elijah's heart. He didn't want to believe them.

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